I don't know about you, but my thoughts are that vendors are going directly after consumers, and by-passing we, the professional estheticians with this new concept.


This makes Private Labeling our products SO much more attractive these days.


Nondy Llewellyn

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Interesting.  I checked out the website and 'liked' their FB page to keep tabs on what they are doing and what product lines are participating.  

Hi Jodi

I just did a search on Facebook and couldn't locate it . Can you tell me the business page name?



From there I think I found their FB link. 



I have some great news!  Tina Zillman, owner of Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts is pulling OUT of this event!  ARC Skin Care is not only a great line, but to have this kind of support from a vendor is invaluable for professional skin therapists!  Please send her a "thank you" email at katie@arcskincare.com  and Katie, her assistant will forward to her.  Check out her lines also!  Check out the ARCSkinCare.com site!  http://arcskincare.com/

Hi Nondy,

I just contacted PCA Skin and they will not be participating. Emma at PCA said, "we only sell to licensed professional".... music to my ears.....

I just left a message on Skin Scripts Facebook page for Lisa (owner) explaining how some estheticians out there do not see this show as a win-win for us.  I hope they don't participate with this show.


Denise I am glad there are those vendors like PCA and ARC who get our concerns.  There is no way a consumer should be privy to "insider Information" on our industry, IMO.  It's "insider information" I have worked my a$$ off for, spent countless hours and thousands of $$ to know...  I will support those who support the professional, not going around the professional to get to the end consumer directly. 

Thanks you for this information,


I have changed my attitude about vendors and products...if THEY are not loyal to me, they do not deserve MY loyalty. I will not retail ANY line that can be purchased by the non-professional. I got tired of recommending products thinking I was making a sale, only to have the client pass and then purchase on Amazon or directly from the company. I may still believe in the product and recommend it but I encourage the client to purchase online.



This is what is on the front page of their website! I do not think this is a good idea and I hope it does not happen closer to where I live and then where my clientele can go! I am going to check more into what lines are participating...

Dumb iPhone.  I wanted you to read the most recent updated information.  We have been heard.  There will now be a wonderful opportunity for consumers to meet with a professionally licensed estheticians before they go on the floor.  The BeWell conference will be manned with estheticians NOT affiliated with a product line and not from LA to give unbiased analysis to the consumer before they hit the floor.  We will be educating the consumer on just what an esthetici9an IS and how she can help with their skin care concerns...  Again, we have been heard loud and clear.


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