I've been meaning to show before and afters of my new wellness center/spa at the prompting of others on this board!  I have a few to share:

Lobby area - BEFORE

Lobby Before, other point of view:

Lobby, Progress (no reception desk yet)

Lobby, Progress 2 (not yet completely done)

I'll have to post the final one tomorrow... its not loading for some reason, lol

All the artwork and details and wall features were designed by my hubby, too!  :)

We're exhausted, but proud. 

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I love it!  It's beautiful!

Thanks!   We love it too!  Anything would have been an improvement on the befores, LOL, but it turned out great!

Its looking great!

Thanks!!  :)

Do you have a website up? I'd be interested in seeing how that looks too.

Yes, I do.  its www.makingyouflawless.com

I did the website myself, though, so dont hold it against me, lol  :)

Congrads! Nice floors....looks like acid stained concrete flooring, which I love.

All the best,

Valarie Hurst


Valarie Hurst & Company

A Spa Revolution

We stained the concrete, a mix of two colors/layers of different colors.  It turned out better than we thought- its kind of a daunting task to stain concrete (we had to grind the floors A LOT).

Still, the carpet HAD TO GO, lol

Ok, here's the now picture, its in a panorama shot, so hopefully it looks right:

We don't have the logo/sign up yet (it goes above the couch), but you get the idea  :)

it looks amazing. Nice work ; )


That faux brick wall!!!!!


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