Being a vendor at an event with Arbonne vendor....need help from seasoned Esty's

Ok so I signed on to do a Women's event at the end of this month being told that they were not allowing MLM companies....buuuut, now there is an Arbonne vendor (the same one that tried to get me on her team and then said since I wasn't joining that she couldn't help e build my business because it competes with hers)...sooo my thought was to have some sort of hand out for these ladies at the event.  The handout would talk about the importance of purchasing professional grade skin care from a LICENSED Skin care professional and receiving services from them as well, facts about reading ingredient labels (maybe have an example of one and break it down ingredient wise), ingredients to avoid, etc. 

Anyone have good advice as to how to go about putting something like this together or does anyone already have something like this written that they would like to share? 

I also thought about a handout on various buzz word ingredients and what they are, facts about skin care treatments like what is a facial, peel, micro, etc.

While I know the difference and the importance, I also know that these MLM spend a lot on marketing and have very flashy marketing materials, etc. 

I am going to give ladies a hydrating facial spritz that is either energizing or calming, their choice.  Anyone have recipes they would like to share?  I am going to also so the sugar scrub lip treatment if anyone has a favorite recipe to share that would be great, I may even give samples of that. 

Thanks everyone, I appreciate it!!

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the ASCP has some wonderful brochures for our use. They are also customizable in that they say "compliments of..." on the back.  Good Luck to you! You are always going and getting! Good for You! 

Thanks for the advice!  I took a look and they have the perfect information!!  I can't wait to put something together. 

Also just remember that what sets you apart from anyone else is YOU--your specific knowledge, confidence, experience, education, etc.  I think for me it's a bit of an attitude--not in the negative sense of the word, but the confidence that just confirms that YOU are the skincare expert.  Remember, some people just want to touch, smell, try products, etc, but others genuinely want expert advice and treatments and that's what you have to offer.  I think your idea of having material that shares the benefit of having professional treatments is a great idea.  I also love your energizing or calming spritz.  Orange or grapefruit oils are my favorite for energizing, and lavender is known for calming, although it's not my favorite.  Good luck at your event!  I look forward to hearing how it goes!  And as far as my personal experience with Arbonne, while they do use good ingredients, it's overpriced and nearly every client that I've had that have used it have ultimately stopped at some point.  I actually know a few esty's who use the products in this area, but I haven't had conversations about their experience.  I just know that their marketing is more impressive than their formulations. 


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