Can anyone help me out? I need a good eye cream that really works on dark circles. GO!

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Hi!  You may want to take a look at my Renewal Eye and Neck Serum.  It is not a cream, but it definitely helps with dark circles, as well as puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles and sagging.  It is loaded with lots of efficacious ingredients:  Ascorbyl DMEA, MSM, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Caffeine, Vitamin E, Resveratrol, Hyaluronic Acid just to name a few...

My website



I have never been crazy about eye creams in general but I still really like HydroPeptide's Eye Authority for dark circles.  I know there are issues now with them selling in Nordstrom's, etc., so I look forward to seeing others' responses to this thread as well.

Hi! I know one that works well that is Eyevage. It lighten discoloration and dark circles. So you may try this for good result.

lighten discoloration and dark circles
Check out their EYEdeal. You can see the before & afters right on their home page!! Also helps to lightly "lift" the eye when applied to the upper lid. I recommend to all and have had nothing but praise!!

Since there are so many variables that can cause dark circles I believe that you must address those as well as find a good topical.   Get enough sleep, minimize alcoholic intake, Drugs play a factor so if you don't need them don't take them, Dark circles are also due to allergies.  Address your allergies and perhaps they will lighten if not disappear.   Being allergic to gluten can intensify the condition so check that out.  What we put in our bodies will surely show on our skin.. Eat your greens and get plenty of water and don't forget your fruit.  Keep an eye on the salt and minimize or eliminate as it can lead to puffiness and a host of other things.  I know its not easy to just stop smoking but try. and in this world its not so easy to tell you to take a break and relax when you can during the day.  It will revitalize you.  I have yet to be real happy with an eye cream period.  Though out of all I have tried ARC essential eye and day/night duo seem to do the trick for me.  Some home remedies -cucumbers really do work, tea bags, ice cubes, try a nettie pot if you have congestion, try a white potato slice on each eye like the cucumber this works for some, vitamin K and retinol are great ingredients for the eye.  Remember--nothing works over night.  Stay with your products before you discount them-it take at least a month before you see effects.   Find a provider of Advanced Rejuvination Products near you and get some.  Know your ingredients not your products.

Good luck

Annette (Esthetician) at Scissors Salon & Spa, Syosset NY

I so know my ingredients, and yes there are many types of dark circles that are not treatable. And an eclectic approach is often effective. Teamine is a good start.  Retinol is not always well tolerated near the eye, but possibly effective. Avene makes a great one..retrinol eye.  As a good all around starting point, Teamine is a good bet.  Next up.........Jane Iredale concealers. What you can't cure, cover.



Agree with you Annette.


Great advice Anette!!

PCA Skin released two new Ideal eye creams, both equally wonderful. One is a gel and the other is a cream. The "cream" product features additional optical-diffusing ingredients. Fabulous.

Revision Skin Care, Teamine Eye Complex

I really love La Bella Figura Decouverte Under Eye Repair Serum. Pricey, but lasts a long time. Really brightens the eye area due to the coffee bean oil and barbary fig oil.



To my knowledge there is no cure or solution directly for dark circles under the eye.  It has been reported that Vitamin K at 1% has been helpful and I have had clients tell me about the effects of it and their results but I will never claim it since it is not a clinically documented result of the continued use of Vitamin K. Every skin is different and so there for you never know but when a client tells me they are getting results...I just say, "That is great!".

With that said there are many that claim results but please keep this in mind:

Dark circles under the eye are a common problem and have been so for as long as women have been concerned about their faces.  Yet there are hundreds of thousands of skin care brands on the market around the world and in addition to that, very large bio companies world wide who are looking for the next billion dollar drug or skin care product who have yet to also come up with the product proven to cure or improve this skin condition.

So after that is said... what do you think?



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