I'm interested in learning what everyone considers the best investment they have made in their careers and/or businesses in the past 6 months.  It could be a monetary investment, such as training, equipment, or a new line...  a time investment in learning something new, providing more hours, or training someone...  a leap of faith, such as hiring a new staff member...

I have made a whirlwind of business purchases recently and I'm trying to figure out where I'm getting the best return on my energy :)


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Christine - I've had a few "bloopers" over the years, and no investments recently but a few that I have been very happy with.

I made very large investment in training and product with the M'Lis company. Although I have not had a lot of interest in the wellness supplements, I have been satisfied with my ROI with the body wraps. If my client base was larger I think I would have done better overall. 

But the education was great and I am totally in sync with their philosophy.

Going back a few years the equipment that I have used the most was an Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber. It's a great tool that gets a lot of use. Much more than my diamond microderm or Oxy machine.

I try only bring in product or equipment that I believe in and that is of high quality - something that I am excited to use and or sell.  It's hard sometimes NOT to jump on the bandwagon and buy the latest new toy...I think it's better to wait and to consider each decision carefully. Focus on what you have already and see where each new decision fits in with where you want to go.

My biggest disappointments so far have been with private label product testing.

Very interesting!  I just had to bow out of M'Lis's training in Houston later this month because it's just not a good time (as you can imagine, New Orleans clears out during August - including half my staff...  plus I wouldn't want to risk a hurricane hitting while I'm away and not able to make a thoughtful decision about evacuating) but I'm really hoping I'll get the opportunity to attend their training soon.  I've watched the DVD on the wraps, and need to do a trial service on a staff member.  Maybe today...

I also really like my Skin Scrubber, but since limiting my menu to higher-end facials with peels, microderm, and dermaplaning (my staff does our more basic facials for which the exfo is enzyme + SS), it doesn't get quite as much use any more.  I think I'll run it on my own skin today :)

I agree that SS is great exfo for your intro level facials, the ultrasonic is great for product infusion. It's great if you aren't using other equipment (microcurrent, led etc for product penetration).

There are some techniques with the wrap that you can really get down with the training.

I got better results with the wrap when I did the detox first.

I am surprised that you have a training dvd! 

As far as I know you can't get that or order product until you have been certified.

I don't like their skincare products all that much - and I did try all of them. But that's just me.

Interesting!  Maybe they made an exception because we are not in range of their educators?  I do think we jumped through some kind of hoops to place the order that they sent the DVD with.  As far as the skincare, I've only tried the spider vein topical (pipe dream) and the tissue repair (which might work well post-microneedling).  The idea of doing a detox is just so painful to me!!  How did you get through it??

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it!

But I did a two day prep with the supplements, detox juice (they give the recipe), and I have a juicer so I did vegetable jucing for those two days. It's only 3 days no food and between the supplements which includes fiber and the detox juice I was not even hungry and I worked those days too. At the end of the first day with no food I wanted to put something in my mouth SO BAD! But I just kept drinking water and the detox juice whenever I got the urge and it would pass.  It was MUCH easier than I expected. Maybe I was in better shape than I though because I have been doing daily juicing for well over a year.

Oh - I DID cheat - I still had my coffee in the morning (after all a girl can only give up so much...) but I did drink it black!

Since my last one I have been much more able to keep my sugar intake down - sugar cravings are greatly reduced, and have also decreased my dairy consumption.

The wheels are turning.....  I keep saying I want to do it, but then I remember how much I love food!!

I like he ultrasonic scrubber too. But I also like my radiency micro photo facial machine. Works on acne to aging.

I use SpaBooker salon management software to book clients and I recently joined their email service which sends emails for you for things like appointment reminders, sales offers, and "Happy Birthday's" for frequent clients. The emails are sent automatically so after you set it up you don't even have to worry about it. I've taken advantage of it to offer sales on slow days and to send frequent customers a Birthday discount.


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