Hi all :)

I am changing locations and have to decide between a big town or a small town.  The bigger town is more expensive and I wouldn't have anyone to partner with to help build up a clientele, but in the smaller town there is a hair dresser with a clientele who will go in with me on expenses and has clients interested in my services.  I'm not sure what to do because I think I need someone to help promote me but am not sure I can build a big enough clientele in a small town to be profitable.  Has anyone else had to make this decision?  How did it turn out for you?


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I am glad you posted this. It's an interesting question. I apologize I am unable to answer it, however, from a business standpoint it may serve you well to analyze your competition in both areas. How many competitors are there? What are their price points? What type of visibility would you have at either location? Would you be able to charge more in the city but less in the small town? I'd be curious of some of the responses others have on this forum. And good luck to you!

@Chrisrina You are absolutely right. Competition check is a must in order to decide which town is best for you.  For the promotion part there are lot of ways, you can use online medium. Add me as a friend and I will give you more details. 

In addition to competition check, you must also consider potential clientele.  Is there a big difference in the socioeconomic demographics between the two locations?  I would say to go where the money is!  Good signs are when you are seeing high-end clothing stores, Whole Foods or other high-end grocery stores, and lots of yoga studios.


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