Hi Everyone, 

I tried posting this in the Microdermabrasion forum but no replies so I thought I'd try the general forum. Has anyone bought the Bio-Hydroderm Microdermabrasion from Bio-Therapeutic at the Face and Body Show or just recently? They've been advertising a big discount on this machine and I am wondering if it's worth the purchase or not, I really like the idea of doing a wet Microdermabrasion function. Please provide any feedback if you've bought it!

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http://bio-therapeutic.com/VIDEO_BHDV2-DS.html Here's the actual video they did on the Bio-Hydroderm Microdermabrasion, I think it looks pretty neat!

WoW, this new micro derm  is great - plus the prepping product is another WoW - How much did you pay is the big question - and of course how much will you charge for a treatment - figure out how many treatments it will take to recoup your expenses???  Would love to hear back from you re: how well this new piece of technology and prepping solution really work in the real world.  Thanks - nancyheals@aol.com

They were able to give me a promotional price of about $4200 in October.  It comes with web training, the unit, it's accessories (5 diamond tips etc), the bt-micro, the bt-zoom, and the bt-analyze.  It is one of the more affordable microdermabrasion machines on the market.  I've never used the others, so I can't compare, however.  

Hi Jennifer, it's been a while and I've been wondering if you've had any great results with using the BioHydroderm machine on clients and if you liked their webinar training. I would love to hear some feedback! =-)

I purchased this machine last month and have done 2 treatments so far on myself (I haven't gotten the official training yet, which happens on the 26th), but it is extremely easy to use the results are really great.  I have slightly sensitive skin and was able to use it with only a slight pinkish reaction that took 2 days to really go away after the first treatment and only 20 minutes to go away this time.  By the third day following the treatment my skin glowed.  I noticed visible shrinkage of the pores on my nose and a nice long term clearing of my usual congestion in the T-Zone.  It also finally go rid of the peeling I'd been experiencing on my nose from previous Retinol use.  I will update this after the training.   

@Jennifer, Wow I had no idea that they provide hands on training..please keep me updated! I'm very cautious about the hype on microdermabrasion so I like hearing from Estheticians that have actually bought the machine and trying it out. Please let me know what you decide to charge if you promote it to your clients and if you get a great response from your clients on having it done. The glow factor is requested a lot these days!

The training isn't hands-on, unfortunately.  Rather, it is done through a webinar, but I think that this will be more than sufficient.  And I'll keep you posted on how it goes.  In my area (Philadelphia), the general going rate for Microderm is between $50-$75 for just the microderm or about $125 for a full facial which includes microderm.  That said, I plan on keeping my prices within that range.  Because you get the best results from multiple treatments over a few months, I am going to package it as 6 treatments for the price of 5 where the first is a full facial and the next 5 are mini facials with microderm.  We'll see how that goes.  

Fantastic review.. I am so happy for you.

I would by the Bio-Hydroderm over the hydrafacial in a heartbeat. But I already use the DiamondTome.

Lucie, Why would you buy the Bio-Hydroderm over the Hydrafacial? I thought the Hydrafacial is suppose to be really amazing even though pricey. Do you like the DiamondTome machine? 



Frankly, can you tell me if the Hydrafacial is better than the microdermabrasion and Bio-Hydroderm? I am just asking this because of all  the hyper involved in the  ULTRA-expensive hydrafacial machine, and you must use their products on this machine. By the way, the products are full of parabens. I've called them to ask.  Like the microdermabrasion, they offer spa and medical spa machines. 

Hmm, well it seems like all that the Hydrafacial machine does is hydrates the skin and at least with the Bio-Hydroderm you can get both hydration and polishing out of it to target sun damage and aging. Ya I would say it seems overhyped to me too. I didn't know their products contain parabens, that's a negative. I am still curious, can I ask how you are liking the DiamondTone? Are you using it as part of a microderm facial or just a treatment? 


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