Brazilian client with red bumps & ingrowns 5 days after wax?

So I had a new Brazilian client stating that she suffers from ingrowns with shaving & waxing, no known allergies. I waxed her and she was slightly pink and had a couple of hair follicles come out during the wax. She left looking like a typical first time brazilian waxer, it had been several months since her last wax. She said it was the most pain-free best wax she had ever had.

Well she just canceled her follow up appt because she stated she was sore and had red bumps following her appt for 5 days post-wax. She also stated that she had severe ingrown hairs. 

I used the same pre & post care, soft & hard wax that I do on all my clients. I gave her my first step to ingrown prevention, which is a sugar scrub 3-5 times per week. I also told her that if that didn't take care of the ingrowns then we would move onto the mask I use as my 2nd ingrown hair prevention.

Side note: she did say that after care was not her strong point and I stated that if you suffer from ingrowns you have to be or suffer from them.

I guess I am just trying to figure out what the "red bumps" were or what caused them? The only scenarios I can think of is:

A) She did't follow post care of avoid working out, sexual activity, wearing tight clothes etc. that irriated the skin causing red bumps

B) She had an antihistamine reaction to having all the hair removed and didn't follow post care instructions. Again I was told this can happen sometimes

Thoughts? Have you heard the same advice?

I was told that right after the wax if you see little red bumps it is because you pulled out the hair follicle bulb as well & sometimes you even get a dot of blood. That the bumps will go away in 2-24 hours. That seeing this was a good thing.

I would consider myself an experienced waxer, I have been doing it for 7 years. When I run into cases like this it just makes me wonder what could I have done different.

Any advice or similar situations and how you handled them would be great!

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Hey Lizabeth,

So you stated that she "left looking like a typical first time Brazilian waxer", then you say it had been several months since her last wax.  So I am guessing it wasn't her first time with you, not her first time getting a Brazilian.  Since it had been several months, had she been shaving in between?  Did you notice a lot of ingrowns when you examined her skin prior to waxing? 

A histamine reaction would mean red itchy bumps, maybe even some hives, like an allergic reaction.  During the wax when you removed the hair was her skin bumpy like chicken skin (for lack of a better descriptive). 

Her story doesn't make sense to me.  For her to be sore (due to waxing) for five days after, her skin would have been majorly irritated immediately after the wax.  She would have been really, really red and sensitive right away.  IF she had been shaving in between her last wax and this wax, there is a good chance she had ingrowns (as she gets them from both shaving and waxing) just waiting to come out and the waxing sped their exit with the removal of some dead cells.

I bet your instincts are also correct that she did not follow her home care as directed.  You did what could by educating her and providing post care to avoid an unpleasant post wax experience.  Maybe she went home and scrubbed herself raw for five days, who knows.  Sometimes people don't really listed to the directions.

Hi Crickett,

She had a previous Brazilian wax several months ago by another esti and has shaved in between before seeing me for the first time. I consider if it has been 6 months since your last wax, that you are like a 1st timer again.

She was light pink and had a couple of hair follicles come out that left a spot of blood but she didn't leave with "chicken skin" (great way to describe it). I was told when you get the chicken skin look that means you pulled out the majority of hair follicles. She didn't have any current ingrowns but I could see the previous marks. 

I personally didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, I especially did not see a histamine reaction. I've only seen a couple of women suffer from that and it usually happens with a full face wax or above the brow wax.

I finished her up with my skin wax residue remover & a calming gel. I also do not go over an area  with waxing more then twice and I leave any remaining hairs until next wax, which I explain to my clients. Your theory on ingrowns making a quicker appearance after wax due to natural wax exfoliation makes sense, never thought of that.

I find it odd that she wouldn't have called to say she was having an issue and instead just waited to cancel her appt., specially with how she described it.

sorry...ignore my comment, i just re-read your post and noticed you said you used gel and not oil.

Me naughty for not reading it completely! :(


I don't like to say it, but client's stretch the truth sometimes.  It could be that she just wanted an excuse to get out of her appointment.  Sometimes people need a reason to cancel to make them feel justified in cancelling.  Once they leave us we have no control over what they do. For all you know, she could have gone tanning right after.  For first time client's, it might be good to give them a call a day or two after their service to make sure everything is ok.  It's good customer service and will keep you from beating your head against a wall trying to figure out what happened :)  In the end, those that are meant to be our client's will be and those that aren't are doing us a favor :)

I am completely with Crickett on this one....but one thing i will say is (and I am a very experienced waxer) if somebody waxes me and they use oil after my wax as opposed to lotion I am in a complete mess and my skin becomes bumpy and inflamed for days.  Hence the reason I use lotion after all my clients and not oil.  

Did you use oil?  Because she could be like me as I am allergic to it after waxing.

Admittedly this doesn't explain the in growns but it might explain the red bumps.

Just a thought..  :)

Excellent point Claire!  Forgot about that one :)


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