
I am an esthetician student, and have a question.  I am curious about whether it is essential to do Brazilian waxes in this industry?  

Do most spas expect you to do them in order to be hired?  Or is it optional because other estys will gladly do it?  What are your experiences?

Also wondering how this applies to living in Miami?  

Thank you in advance for your insight.

Tags: brazilian, wax

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Although it is not essential, it is beneficial to offer Brazilian Waxing. Keep in mind that you have to honor your comfort level. If this is not within your comfort level may I suggest you emphasize your specialty to attract the client you desire :).
If the Place you works at gets lots of Brazilians then they prob would require you too. Ask for training and practice on family or friends. If you aren't comfortable then don't do them! I'm northeast but assume south would be $$ -for those. Maybe start with bikini- as long as you and client are comfortable then great- if not show employer your specialty!

That's great to hear.  I am open to the possibility of one day being comfortable enough to do them, but it just doesn't sound like something I am ready to dive into!   I'm more interested in dealing with acne, so yanking hair off of privates doesn't really feel like my calling as of yet... but I am trying to keep an open mind!

Do you think potential employers would assume that I am willing to do them, and know how to do them because I am applying for the job?  (I understand a lot of schools do not go into Brazilian waxing in much depth, if at all).  Or is that something that may be worked out after being hired (for example, if another esty on the job is a pro Brazilian waxer, she will happily take on those clients, so no big deal)?  

I understand that every situation is different, but I'm just wondering people's personal experiences to get a general overview of what to expect, and what is expected...

Thanks so much!

The Employer should ask YOU if you are qualified in training  and capable/comfortable  doing at interview or this is a question for them. I would hope they would also give you a few "training waxes" before diving into a client- if your not comfortable the client will know, eventually owner so best to be up front. If another Etsy is able and willing ( and all parties ok) then 100% say book with her only!!

Just speak up and do not go into a service like this not wanting or able-  many other areas of Industry to SHine- forget stressin over something you dont want to do!

Aimee,  I have never wanted to do Brazilians.  I don't offer it on my website, and I've only done 1 in school.  Its  not something I'm excited about and I don't intend to learn.

I am opening up my own wellness center soon, though, and I am hiring at least one person who DOES like and enjoys waxing (all areas) so that I don't have to  : )

My advice for you, look for an employer who has a place that is results-oriented.  Play up your strengths.

If you love acne treatments, get certified with Face Reality (Laura Cooksey is owner and has lots of info on here and her website- just google). Then, you can bring a whole new thing to your place of employment.  You can say you are a Certified Acne Specialist and that will be impressive to your employer!

Excel at what you love and don't try and force the stuff you don't.  You don't have to be able to do it all, but what you do decide to do, be the best at it you can! :)

Good luck!

I was trained on them, and I did a few, but am not comfortable and when I became an IC, wanted to remove them from the menu, but they are still offered.  I haven't had one in a while, but it's way beyond my comfort zone, and I will be happy to never do one again.  People say they make a ton of money doing them, but I can't see that happening for me, I'm not a fast waxer. 


I am glad to hear I am not the only one that feels this way. I am learning to do brazillians and just feel that I am not very good at it, nor am I a very fast waxer. I have done a few and just don't enjoy it. I keep telling myself to give it time but really all I want to do is help people with skin care and make there faces beautiful not their private parts. LOL!!

Exactly how I feel.  I didn't get my license to wax. 

I've always said, if I wanted to look at peoples privates all day, I'd have become an OBGYN.  :)

There are plenty of Esty's out there that LOVE and EXCEL at waxing and Brazilians, and I am thankful for them!  :)

I am so sad that some employers require esties to do these! I hate waxing, body waxing that is, and wish that we could choose to do this or not. I own my spa and my co-worker does all the body waxing because she ENJOYS it. If you hate it why do it? I didn't get into skin care to rip hair out and look at that all day long. I am very open and we are all women, but if I have zero passion for something I am not willing to do it. But from experience most employers require you do them. Which is strange because if you just aren't good at it why would they want you doing them on paying clients.

It's all about the money. I would leave the room when the topic came up when I was in school, no way was I going to do it. But I quickly learned in the real world working for someone else that I was going to learn how or starve. Now that I work for myself I can be very selective about my clients and services. You shouldn't do it though if you are grossed out at the thought of it.

 I just  can't imagine I would make enough money doing this to make it worthwhile.  Even last summer I didn't make a ton off regular bikini waxing.  We charge $45 (I think) for a brazillian, $25 for a bikini.  I'd have to do like 10 a day to make a decent living. Waxing clients are not great tippers from my experience.  I'd much rather spend that time giving facials and feeling like I'm actually doing something for someone. 


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