I waxed my husbands beard and now he has small bumps on his face I cleaned the area before I waxed. And after I used tea tree oil after I'm not sure what to do I used soft wax on his beard hard wax on his chin.
Any suggestions on what I can do to get rid of the bumps

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Hi Muriel,  Well, first of all, men's faces are off limits when it comes to waxing.  Their hair is much too coarse and it's not advisable.  What we can wax on men are brows, nose, ears. 

Now, what do these bumps look like?  Are they little white bumps?  If they are, that is bacterial.  Cleaning before and after and applying tea tree oil was the right thing to do to help prevent bacteria.  However if your husbands hands were not clean and he was touching his face (to feel the results) then he could have deposited bacteria into the open pores. Other than having him apply an antibacterial solution or using the tea tree oil, there really isn't much that can be done, it will just go away after a few days or week depending. If you have high frequency you can you that over some guaze as it provides antibacterial properties. 

Hope this helps,


I think it was just an allergic reaction because now it seems to be going away. He's been using antibacterial solution also


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