I'm very curious and would love to hear what you are thinking...

Do you ever have buyers remorse after you've purchased a piece of equipment? If so, why? Is it because you didn't investigate it enough before making the purchase? Is it because you really didn't have the $$ in the first place and once you recieved it, you kinda freaked out a little? Is it because once you get it in hand, you feel overwhelmed about how to promote it and make your investment back? Or is it something completely different?

It doesn't happen very often that someone contacts me to return something immediately after they've received it....but I would love to know if there is anything more I can do to alleviate this experience all together for you! All of you that know me, know that I am the furthest thing from pushy......are there more questions I could be asking you before you make the purchase, more training I could be offering? Anything else?

I hear this question sometimes when someone is considering a piece of equipment "Shelley, does it really work? " I'm always baffled by that question because I would never offer something that I had not used successfully with my clients first. Is this just a fear of investing question?

What I do know for sure is that any new piece of equipment is not going to be an instant success without us putting our best foot forward to promote it.

Thanks for your input gals (and guys!), I really appreciate it!

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