Can we find out if another esthi is licensed through the state?

This has been bothering me for a while and I need advice.

There is an esthi in town who has been stealing my clientle. I just heard about this today from a client who bought a chemical peel package from her. She was there the other day and mentioned that she comes to me for her facials. Apparently this esthi bad mouthed me (even though I met her once because she was looking to rent out my old room for business). She said that I wasn't very good and that my client should no longer see me. This esthi doesn't even know me, nor knows anything about me. The things she said were untrue, and I have literally only met her once and it was about 5 minutes worth.

Last year, she rented from a friend of mine (another esthi that owns a spa), and that owner explained what a horrible experience it was and that she still was not licensed through the state (even though she graduated several years ago). The owner was bad mouthed quite a bit by this esthi, all untrue things, and had lost clientle for about 3 months. After she asked the esthi to leave/stop renting from her, her business started picking up again - she says it was weird how this esthi's bad karma was lurking.... Anyway, I'm curious - is there a way we can look up another esthi to see if they are licensed at all? It is really bothering me that she has been stealing clientle, as well as saying things about me that are pretty bizzarre, and if she isn't licensed, of course that would make me even more upset, that she's handling my clients with peels and microderm, yet not even being ethical.

I have a good following, am very ethical and it hurts me to know that someone would create drama like this..... It's not hurting my business but really bothers me that she is telling those clients they need to come to her because I'm not skilled.

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I'm not sure what state you are in, but in PA, on the State Board of Cosmetology, you can look up anyone's license info if you know their full name. 

Same here in California

Well, clients are people, they can't be "stolen," but they will make their decisions about services based on their perception of the service they receive.

It's true that there are some very conniving estheticians out there who seem to be perpetually booked.  But rest assured that maintaining a positive outlook and spending your client face time focusing on the benefits of your particular technique and training will also result in a nice, full book.  

In all likelihood, you can look up your competitor's license status on the state board of cosmetology.  However, would doing this put you in a position where you might start "warning" clients about her license status?  If so, however right you might be, I don't think that firing back at her would be a very professional move.  It might make you look petty.  

In most states there is very little recourse for practicing unlicensed.  Look at the multitude of low-end nail shops!  If you think that reporting her would help, then go ahead and track down the info.  But if you know you live in a state that lacks the resources to shut her down, it might be in your best interest to simply ignore her bad behavior and rise above it.  

Thanks for the feedback. I am not "out" to get her or anything. I'm a drama free person, but I don't think it's fair for someone that doesn't know me to be bad mouthing me and my skills.

I did look up her credentials - and she finally did get licensed in the last few months. That at least is a relief. I was asking my client some random questions about the peel she was given, and from what she told me, I felt that she didn't receive very good care. She was peeling pretty badly and was given the okay to receive a facial 1 day later. I wouldn't have given that advice, so I went really easy on the client with treatment. I did give her some take home samples, however, to help her get her through the peel stages, since she wasn't provided any by the other esthi.

And my plan was to ignore the behavior and rise about it anyway, but it was really upsetting me. And you're right - clients can't be stolen - I guess it's just the lingo I've heard others say to me about their clients. And people will go to whomever they want and who they like, whether it be 3 esthis or 1. Totally fine with me. I just wanted to get some advice about this and see if this had ever happened to anyone else.


Case closed. ;)

Actually, clients can be stolen

if someone worked for your and took the client's contact information, which is the property of your company, and solicited their business, then she is using proprietary business information for the sole purpose of diverting revenue from your business to hers.

yes, clients are human, and have choices, but business owners have rights to the product of their marketing investment -- ie client information.

All States have a database of State Llicensed Estheticians. We verify all of our professional strength orders prior to shippment with this method. Sounds as if this Esty has very little knowledge of of Ethical Work Practices . Would absolutely do some investigative work. Especially if she is performing Chemical Peels ! Would love to hear what you discover ;)


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