Hi fellow estheticians! Quick question, what classes do you think would be the most beneficial for your career, especially if you were just starting out or needed to grow your business. I know my biggest pet peeve is not being able to find reasonably priced classes that are not manufacturer related.

Lets start the dicussion,

Happy Friday.

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It all depends on what you are interested in.  Ask yourself some questions to determine the direction you want to go in and then choose classes based on your interests. 

1. Are you more interested in spa/european facials for relaxation, or clinical skin care (acne, anti-aging etc). 

2. Do you like performing waxing services?

3. Do you like Makeup services?

4. Are you interested in eyelash extensions?

Starting with what you like and are interested in is often the easiest place to start.  If you like what you are doing, you will find people that want what you have to offer.

Hope this is helpful.


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