How does everyone keep track of their client files and organization?

I love being organized, so much so that I end up organizing and reorganizing and wasting a lot of time trying to make it "perfect". LOL

Here's what I do now, and I'm not liking it so much- could use some ideas.

Clients arrive and fill out an intake form (3 pages, includes signing for cancellation policy and product return policy plus all the legal stuff)

Each client has a manila folder, the kind with the clasps on the inside.  On the left I put their intake form, clasped in.  On the right, I put there treatment notes (its a form I made, has the treatment on the left side, so that I write down everything that touches their skin, and on the right side is a blank face where I note breakouts, milia, capillaries/redness, wrinkles, etc etc.  On the bottom of the form is an area to write my product recommendations, their likes and dislikes, private client info I want to remember, next tx date and a section to write my follow up email info- I send a followup email to each client after every treatment.)

Anyway, here's the issue.  As soon as I start adding more stuff to the folder, my organization breaks down.  I wish I could afford those folders that have the 5 tabs inside, but it would cost a small fortune to have one for each client.

I don't really like having loose paper in the folders, but obviously 2 tabs isn't enough room.  Where do I put receipts and client photos and other release forms, keep track of their VIP rewards and referrals... etc etc.

I do a lot of stuff on the computer, but in my tx room I have only my iPad, so I'm a little limited.  I can scan stuff to the computer at home and store it in my online booking software, but I'm not sure that's worth the work.

How do you all keep organized??

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Wow!  This is impressive, Nicole!  I am not nearly as comprehensive as you are, so I look forward to hearing everyone's responses!  I keep a rather old-fashioned system but it works well for me, but I could definitely make improvements when I reopen my business in my new neighborhood this fall.  Great post and I hope that you get some awesome answers!

When you have a complicated system it eats up your time in keeping it up. If you tend to be a procrastinator you might be filling in your time with "time-wasters" to avoid doing things that are not as marketing!

I keep open folders and fill in notes as I go.

There should only be multiple sheets of paper if you are keeping various consent forms stored and photos...and just keep those clipped with newest on top until you review with client.

Receipts don't belong in client folders.

Less paper is better - concise simple notes are best.

I do a short q&a with each returning client and fill in any pertinent info he/she shares...if any

I don't list EVERY product I use in each facial - just what I did at the first one and what I do different on the next ones (what enzyme, peel, masque I used etc, samples given, and retail sold).

I don't think you need to track referrals - when I finish a referred client, I write out the referral reward post card ($10 gift card) and pop it in the mail that day. I tell them no expiration but they have to give me the card to redeem.

And if you have some other type reward program, think of ways to streamline shouldn't have to keep track of a lot of info. If it benefits clients then they can keep track with a card.

(eta - I make up and revise forms all the time - so I KNOW what it's like to want to make things perfect)


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