First off, hello! I'm new around here :)

My business is just about to hit its one year mark and the regulars and potential regular clients are really beginning to come through the door, so I want to begin a VIP Program/loyalty program, etc. the confusion begins when I try and decide what the progam should entail!

From what I've found online, there seems to be a few different ways to do this:

*Points Progams: $1 spent is worth a point and they add up to specials, discounts or vouchers for free services, products, etc. program is either free or has a small initial cost.

*Monthly Club Programs: a monthly fee equal or less than about the cost of a regular facial. Entitles client to a facial service each month plus perks (ie 10% off retail, 20% off additional services, discounts on gift cards, free something or other in month of birthday, etc)

There are multiple variations of this type, too, such as the monthly fee is small or is even just a yearly or quarterly fee that entitles the client to discounts and /or points programs.

*punch cards, or book x amount of services, receive one free/half off, etc.

..and I'm sure there are multiple variations and types.

So, what programs are working well for you all?

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I have been building my small waxing business so I am in the same boat as you are with doing something special for my regulars and VIP! What I do is offer a discount when they rebook. Because then I know they will be coming back. I also do a referral program and that has worked great as well. Word of mouth is a powerful thing, so rewarding those who talk about you only makes your business better. 

I hope this helps and I hope your business is doing great. I can't wait to hear what you come up with. 


Hi, thanks for the response!

I do offer a Referral Program that is just getting off the ground, so far so good!

I know some estys offer things like 6th treatment is free... if anyone offers that, is there a timeframe?  Like, they must be booked in a 6 month period (or 8 months, 1 year, etc)? 

I am really over thinking this, possibly, LOL.  I get caught up in all the what ifs and possibilities or problems I could run into with certain programs, LOL


I do $10 off their next visit when they refer someone. It's easy for them and me and has been effective. I give them my biz card and tell them to write their name on it and give it to the referral to give to me


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