Clients blaming previous esti for waxing issues, what do you say to them?

I've recently have had a couple of new clients stating that they have experienced ingrown hairs, red bumps etc. after their last wax and blamed the previous esti for the issue. What do you say to them? 

I always start off my first timers with a "this can happen with waxing" lecture. As well as tell them that post care is the most important thing for prevention. Should I say/add something else?

I even had a client tell me she isn't thrilled with esti using the same pot of wax for everyone, even if they don't double dip. I told her every spa uses the same pot because it would be to expensive and storage consuming to give everyone a different pot. That she just has to watch out for esti who double dip.

What do you say to clients like this?

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This person sounds like a person who easily finds fault. It seems that the only thing you can do is explain to her as you already have , the proper protocol for services and reassure her that as a professional you will be doing your best to uphold it.

With Sandra on this one!  Sounds like she is a bit of a trouble maker.  As for other clients complaining about the previous Esti...i think it is very unprofessional if we blame the previous person (bad karma) also.  I think "this can happen with waxing lecture" is the correct thing to say.   Don't jump in with them on their bitch fest about the previous person.  After all what does a client know about why this happened!?


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