I was wondering if any of the estheticians had clients like this:

A client came in for consultation for skincare and I recommended 8 series treatments.  She wanted to just try four treatments and decide from there.  She had no complaints or problems during the 4 treatments and saw great improvement.  I gave her samples to try on her first visit.  Her skin was almost flawless and showed great improvement.  She was happy and she decided to come for monthly treatment and scheduled another appointment.  After a month when she came in her face was irritated and showed pigmentation spots.  I didn't ask her what happened to her face when she first walked in.  She wanted to purchase a series of 10 package and she asked for a discount.  It was already cheaper as a package but I still gave her some discount.  As we were walking to the treatment room I asked her what happened to her face since it was so nice when I saw her last time.  She didn't say much and said she is not doing anything different except she used my samples and that is what irritated her skin.  I told her that sample was given over a month ago and I even used the same product line for her first treatment series.  I also mentioned that she would have nothing left after the first week since I only gave her few samples.  She said she doesn't know.  After the treatment she said her skin feels much better and scheduled for next appt.

The next day she calls me and says her skin has so much wrinkles and it's a mess and I made her skin look worse.  She is claiming that ever since she came to see me her skin got worse.  She asked me to fix it.  I told her that my skincare products are chemical free and she has no allergic reaction to natural plants and no allergic reaction when I treated her.  I also told her I can't treat her anymore since she is claiming it's my products.  I offered to give her money back on the balance she has left for the rest of the treatments.  She demanded that I give her all the money back for the 4 treatments I did a month ago.  I told her no.

How do you handle this kind of client?  I was so upset and what she was claiming was so ridiculous.  Plus she didn't purchase or use any of the products I carry at home so it muct be something she is using at home but she claims it's me.

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I'm a new Aesthetician but I would give this lady her money back and send her on her way. She seems like she is too much trouble than its worth.

I think you handled it amazingly! I would be hesitant to give her a full refund because of 2 reasons...it might make you appear "guilty" of malpractice or neglect and secondly, she would've bullied you and something like that can really mess with your self esteem and reputation as a business owner as well. Lesson you can take from this? make sure you have a disclaimer in your intake form stating the quality of your products, client compliance and that you can not be held responsible for any undisclosed information at the time of treatment (ie topicals or meds they didn't disclose that can cause a reaction etc) Also informing the client that any kind of mid-deep exfoliation will result in peeling, flaking, redness and the "appearance" of skin looking different than prior to service.

When I was a new aesthetician working in a day spa I saw a client like this. She had LED light facials her skin looked amazing and after her last (6th) treatment she came in screaming that the LED ruined her skin and that she wanted all of her money back!
She also claimed that it gave her a new mole and that she would need to have it biopsied!
Lucky for me and my meticulous notes and my before photos I was able to point out the "new" mole was indeed there!
As soon as the owner and i confronted her with all of this and had the LED manufacture on speaker phone she got flustered and ran out! Crazy lady then calls back 4 months later and get this, not to complain but to make an appointment for her and her niece for facials!!!
I thank goodness have not had one single nut bag since I've gone into solo practice (knock on wood)
You did the right thing by not offering her a full refund , that would look like you were admitting guilt on your part
She sounds like a crazy person wanting free services. Just make sure to keep an eye on your reviews online to make sure she doesn't pop up and start messing with your reputation. 
Goodluck :)

She is a perfect example of why we always take before and after pics!! Don't let her fluster you. Fortunately this type of client doesn't come along very often...you did a great job handling her!!!

There are always the crazies.  I had a woman that came in for a clay exfoliation.  There is nothing in the clay to irritate the skin it is all natural not even any sulfur.  She purchased home care which is Aloe based so very soothing and hydrating for the skin.  She used 1/2 of it then came back claiming that the product bruised her face.  Yes "bruised".  Now I have no idea how a product could bruise her face, but I took the product back and refunded her money because I just didn't want to deal with her as she was obviously off her rocker.  Thankfully she never tried to come back.  I would have refused her anyway. 

What strikes me about your woman is that, even though she came back exhibiting hyperpigmentation supposedly caused by your product, she still wanted to purchase more treatments with you (at a discount of course).  It's hard not to take these types of accusations personally, but you did the right thing.  Most of the time, when you get these types of people it has nothing to do with you or your service or product, it's about what they think they can get. 

Shake it off, she's out of your hair :)


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