So my friend got this flyer from a nearby spa and she sent it to me. It was promoting something but it also mentioned their contest. Referral Contest. Whoever refers the most clients, wins. This got me thinking so I did some research. I looked around and this seems to be pretty popular. I thought this would be good for my biz but as I was thinking about my clientele, I realized I don't think my clients will do this. Most of them are older and have money. I work in the town I grew up in so I kind of have a feel for who these women are. I loved the idea so much though that I didn't want to give up yet. So I asked my family and unfortunately they agreed with me. I still keep thinking about it bc I don't really have anything to lose by trying it and there is a chance it may work.
But then I thought that maybe someone on here might have an idea for a contest that might work better for me. As I've been reading, I've learned that contests seem to really draw interest and that's what I need. It can also work well with competitive people (I'm definitely one of them!).

So what do you guys think? Any contest ideas? Have you done any that have worked or not worked?
Thank you!

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One that worked for me was my boss sent out an email blast about a new service we added (it was microcurrent lifts) and said the 1st 5 people to respond would get a FREE eye lift treatment and a special price on a facial. They didn't have to buy the facial, some just got the free lift.  We filled those spots really quickly, within minutes I believe.  Then after those were filled, anyone else was offered the FREE lift with a facial purchase, which alot went for as well.  Granted, some I never saw again, but I did get a few regulars out of that, and that's all anyone can hope for.  

What is it, exactly, that wouldn't appeal to your current clients about the referral contest? That'll help in coming up with ideas that would appeal more to them. Do you think they would like contests in general, but the prize of getting a free or discount treatment is the part that won't attract them? Or do you just get the feeling that they might not be into any kind of promotion where they'd be competing against other people?

I don't think they care enough about winning money or free stuff to work hard enough to get me referrals. Something easy or fun they might do though. I'm trying to generate buzz and keep me in their minds. The referral contest is perfect for generating new business, which was the whole point of this, but I just don't think they will do it.
I don't know. I'm just constantly looking for new ideas and ways to build. I've tried a lot of things and most have not worked, unfortunately.
Hopefully that gives you the info you looking for. :)
Thank you!

I don't think that it matters if someone cares about money or not.

What you think doesn't matter - as you said, you have nothing to lose.

everybody like to win!  EVERYBODY likes something for free.

You're right! I can't just assume I know what they will do. My friend had convinced me yesterday to do it for the same reason (she also has a small business). I have nothing to lose and it could end up being a big success. Even if I only get a couple of referrals, it's still a win for me.

Thanks everyone for your advice on this one!

I was thinking about a referral contest myself.  At first I thought refer x amount of people get x amount of money off...but now I am thinking, refer someone, get your name put into a drawing, refer another person, get another name (them maybe if that client comes in again, the person that referred gets their name put in again) or something...then at the end of the year you draw a winner and that person gets free facials for a year (once a month).  Or I had thought after they refer x amount of people they get put into the drawing.  I dunno :) just a thought, but I think it would be a great new years program to start. 

We have a standing referral reward, I think it's a percent off for each referral.   We don't do it as a contest, it's just one of our standard policies. 

I have a "refer a new client" at a new client first time rate. ($60.00) and when the new client comes in, they bring the card or tell me who referred them and that regular client will get the same price as the new client for their next treatment. When I told my clients about this deal their eyes lit up and wanted lots of cards!


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