Ok, so this might end up being a cautionary tale about Groupon... but I honestly don't know how to handle this situation.  I don't like being lied to, and I don't like drama, so I want to just throw the whole thing out the window... here goes.  Hopefully you can follow and advise.

Two weeks ago, a client from Groupon was 25 minutes late to her (40 minute) appointment.  She called me from outside my studio and I started to tell her there was no time for her appointment... she FLIPPED. (I posted a bit about this in another post).  She cursed, f-word this and that, a big loud F-you, etc etc.  I couldn't get a word in for a minute cause she wouldn't stop, and when I finally could speak, I told her she was never welcome in my studio and that I would never give her any services, have a great day.

Her Groupon was redeemed because that's what happens when they no show. Technically, that Groupon has 4 visits left on it.  I told her, to get a refund from Groupon.

Going back a bit...

A person we'll call NB bought two 5 visit micro Groupons.  The crazy woman above, we'll call TC, was using one of them.  I did not see the voucher but I require that all Groupon clients give me the voucher # to hold their appointment, and it showed it was purchased by NB.

Fast forward to today.

Just tonight, I had a 'new client' (we'll use AM) book online using that same Groupon # (the one crazy TC used).  The email and phone # that the 'new client' used is the same as the purchaser, NB.  I contacted NB by email to tell her that the voucher only had 4 visits left on it.  She said no, it has 5.  She claims she does not know TC, the person I told her used the first visit on the voucher.

However, a quick google shows that TC and NB are related, that TC has a couple of aliases, one of which is the same last name as NB, and that they live in the same house.  And a bunch of other sketchy, fraudulent claims from others (against TC).

When I asked NB to give me proper contact information for this 'new client' she said she had no email address, but gave me a phone number for her... which goes right back to the house that TC and NB live at!

Further, the date of birth given for the 'new client" is the same year/age as TC...?

I'm  not sure what is they are trying to do here... but I don't like it.  Definitely feels like something fraudulent is going on.  It seems like NB is setting up appointments for this 'new client' who is really TC, using a different name, and since I never saw TC, they think they can get away with it.?  (I do, now, have a picture of TC, though).

I'm really unsure how to handle this.  I do know I don't want this drama, and it all seems VERY sketchy to me.

What should I do with NB, who is clearly lying right to my face (and I'm supposed to see her for her 2nd visit on Tuesday).  She said she did not know a TC at all, and that she didn't use the voucher, but its OBVIOUS that TC is her mom or step mom and they live in the same house together! 

I have no idea how to handle or confront this, but I HATE liars so this is making me furious.

Did ANYONE follow that, LOL? 

*just have to add, I have 95% WONDERFUL Groupon clients, so this is NOT the norm!

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I would contact Groupon, explain the situation and ask that they refund their money.  Even if they refund the amount that was already redeemed it would be worth it not to have to deal with the situation.  

Ya, I feel the same way.  I have sent Groupon an Email.  But, without calling the NB client out on her lie, how do I tell her I won't see her anymore (and this is all a huge YELP/bad review liability, too!)

Honestly the whole thing is stressing me out, and wasting my time and energy.  I know the NB client is lying to me, but I'm not sure how to handle.  I'm supposed to see her 4 more times.

I want both vouchers to just get refunded at this point.

I agree with Nicole, contact Groupon and see if they will refund the money.  It's unfortunate that you have to deal with this.  You are allowed to refuse the right to perform services.  How was NB when she came in for her services?  Was she pleasant or did you feel some tension?  

It seems like NB and TC (your explanation was great) are trying to use the same voucher, is that normal?  If you have the option to not allow TC "new client" to come in with the same voucher then invoke that.  If for some reason you end up having to take them both I would make sure they understand your cancelation policy and the moment they slip up redeem everything!  

It's a hard position to be in, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you Tuesday!

There are 2 vouchers, one that NB used once already (has 4 left) and another voucher that TC tried to use, but then didn't show up so 1 of the 5 visits got redeemed.  But, there ARE 2 different vouchers.

The issue is that NB is now trying to give the voucher that TC used to another person, and then claiming that she doesn't know TC (which is an obvious lie).  And, this 'other person' that NB is giving the voucher to... seems like it is actually TC!

So strange, and I'm so tired of stressing about it! LOL

Honestly, I don't recall NB too well.  I remember she was young, and I have her client intake, fitz type, and what her tx was, but I don't recall talking much to her.  I *think* she was the client that said that her mom was coming in to see me on another voucher and I *think* TC was the name she gave, but it was a month ago or more and my notes were a little poor that day :(  I do know she didn't tip  ;)

Contact groupon. Tell them you want nothing to do wtih this purchase and to refund their money, less the one no show/cancellation.

Keep copies of your "research". Good chance this person will try to smear you on Yelp or one of those other idiotic sites I wish would be blown up. If they do, post the facts your findings -- no judgements or conclusions -- as a response and let the public judge for themselves. Crazy people can't help but let their crazy shine through.

I agree about Yelp.  So far, my rating is 100%, but I've seen how bad clients use Yelp to complain about problems they've created themselves, and it hurts businesses.  Its just a place for people to complain without any recourse from the business!

Yes, I'm thinking just refunding the vouchers is the best way to go as well.  I'm just not sure how to explain to the NB client (that has an appointment Tues) why I'm not going to see her... I'd have to call her out on her lies about the whole situation.

Its definitely been a crazy experience, and seeing all the evidence online, I wonder what these two are really up to and who else they are screwing with.  There's certainly a lot of evidence that the TC lady is nutty and fraudulent (I can't explain how many aliases and complaints I've seen against her for the business she runs here locally!)  Yikes

This is confusing to me- sounds like more stress than needed- contact Groupon with info and ask to refund client for not following guidelines.

So, just to update...

I hadn't gotten an answer back from Groupon, so I went ahead and saw the daughter, NB, today for her appointment.  I did the service and didn't mention anything until the end.

When NB said she wanted to book her next appointment (she has a pre-purchased from Groupon series of 5), I said, OK, but I wanted to make sure we were clear on what happened with her other voucher.

She flat out lied about not knowing the TC person.  She said her mom's name was not TC (which it is), that she does not work and live with a TC (she does).  She asked if I had seen this TC person and I said no.  She asked what phone # the TC person called from and I said "the number that goes to where you work and live".

She denied it all again and I told her I didn't know what was going on, but that I won't accept the other voucher.  Told her to call Groupon.

The way she spoke and the questions she asked... made me think that the 'new client' she was making appointments for was really going to turn out to be her mom, TC, using a false name!

Its just so bizarre.  And, I'm really upset that I have to continue to see this girl for 3 more sessions.  Liars really get me riled up!

So, I'm sure this is not the end of it, but I just don't comprehend why someone would want to come into a facial studio and cause drama and lie about it all...?  Just crazy!

UGH, I really just want to call  her out on her lies and show her that I'm not a fool, like she thinks!  Would that be so wrong?  ;)  Everything she told me today is easily refutable and such a blatant lie.

The non-business owner in me wants to just let her have it and call her out and refuse to see her anymore.  Plus, I'm moving to my new space in a few weeks, and I don't want to tell her where it is, LOL

But, the business owner in me is saying I need to just smile and let her think I believe her, see her for 3 more sessions and then not invite her back.  ever.

You handled it well I think. It's a rock and hard place, I think as long at TC doesn't use the other voucher you should be good. I wouldn't invite NB back either. Realistically she won't come back anyway once the voucher is use up. I would even push it and finish the rest of the services all at once so she only has to come back one more time!

Thanks Tiffany.  I know it was probably the right thing to do, but it really irked me. :)

I wish I could finish all the services at once, but its for mincrodermabrasion tx, so they have to be spaced out every 2-4 weeks. 

I think you handled it well. It's hard but sometimes we just have to bite our tongue and move on. 

As far as the Yelp thing goes. I wouldn't worry about it (easier said than done, I know). Luckily you can reply to the comment should this person decide to leave one. Any person reading your reviews will know that this is obviously not the norm, especially if you are at 100%.

Take a deep breath and try not to let them take over your day. You responded on my recent scam so you know that I understand. I always feel like these people will theirs eventually!


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