Credit card rates are based on the number of and average ticket amount of transactions. As a sole business person, you may find rates too high. While the new devices available for smart phone useage sound interesting, there may be higher fees involved depending on your transaction amount. Read the lanquage well. Square up, go payment are just a few to mention for your phone. Also check with you bank! Keep in mind, we are moving towards a cashless society! When was the last time you wrote a check?! Good luck!
If you have an iPhone, you can get Square. It's a tiny square chip-like thing that plugs into your iPhone, and you can actually SWIPE credit cards (they sign on the screen), and they are emailed a receipt with a map and red pin pinpointing where they were charged. The cost is 2.75% of each transaction. No monthly charges.
Thanks everyone.........I've decided to give Square a try......no contract to sign and I just use my phone...I'll let you know how I go on :)
ooh I just checked this out and it looks pretty cool. I think I will start out with this, too. Keep us posted, Hayley, on how it works!! (any issues/bugs/etc.)
Yes, keep us posted on smart phone credit card devices and any hidden or unusual charges that you may experience!
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