This has come up recently and WILL come up again. How would you like to have to compete with someone who haas NO schooling, No licensing, and NO experience?  Well THAT'S precisely what deregulation of esthetics would do!  Protect your license!  It has JUST come to my attention that estheticians THINK they have to be NCEA CERTIFIED to be a member of NCEA.  NOT SO!  Susanne Warfield is on the FRONT lines fighting for us all to attain and REtain licensing!  Here are a few words I copied from another board...

"I understand we can't all attend our state board meetings, we can't donate large sums of money to fight this stuff.  But can't we ALL spend the $50 annually to fund Susanne Warfield's constant efforts on our behalf.  Ya think it's too expensive?  Well, imagine what's going to happen if your state is deregulated?  You won't just lose money, you will lose your business!

The apathy that is present among estheticians regarding fighting for our licenses and professional status proves a lack of business sense.  And it's so frustrating!!  It's either that they do not understand the importance of belonging to NCEA, or they are simply selfish and would rather just ride on the coat tails of those of us who DO support NCEA.  Which is it?

What can we do to get it through to them how vital their support is to our beloved field of esthetics?



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