I bought one dermafile (fine) to try it out, with the idea that if I saw great results, I would equip all 3 facial rooms with them.  So far I have experienced 3 sessions - two on clients, one on myself.  I am definitely not giving up my microderm machine any time soon!  But besides the results (the jury is still out), I'm really frustrated because between the process of scrubbing it, immersing it in the sporicidin, rinsing and immersing it in the barbicide...  I've been afraid I'm going to leave it immersed and all the diamonds are going to fall out!

Well of course yesterday afternoon I used it as a complimentary add-on to a regular client's light treatment, and guess where that dermafile is, right now, at 4:09AM?  In my barbicide jar.  I'm so aggravated with myself!  Am I going to go in later to find a jar full of tiny diamond chips?  How does that work?  How can you tell if you've damaged the tool?

Honestly, I am chronic about leaving things in the barbicide jar too long.  I've never had anything rust, but I have had to re-sharpen my tweezers a lot (fortunately I have a trick for doing this with a fine grit nail file).  I don't put my brow scissors in there since they don't touch skin - instead I just wipe them with a sani-cloth and let them dry on a towel.  I have ruined mask brushes in there, for sure.  And I would say that the other estheticians I work with have similar barbicide habits to mine.  Are we just a bad fit for dermafiles, in that case?  It's one thing replacing mask brushes for $4 each...  it's another story replacing a $75 piece of equipment because I left it in the jar.  And if one of my employee estheticians did that, I would probably be extra annoyed.

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Replies to This Discussion

You won't find diamonds floating in your barbicide this morning! They are actually pretty tough little tools. I've done that numerous times and mine are just fine.

Speaking of fine......I would have recommended the medium if you were just getting one of them. I rarely use my fine file...maybe super super sensitive skin or an eye treatment. Don't give up on this little toy. It really is good for the nooks and crannys that you can't get with a microderm or great for those clients with capillary issues that you don't want to take a chance of making worse.

Whew, that's a relief!  Ok, I won't give up :)


I'm new to the dermafile world. I can see the benefits to having one in my studio.

What is the technique, contraindications, any special training prior to useage?


Info and training video on my wesite: http://www.shelleyhancock.com/dermafile.html

perfect, thanks Shelley!

Any contraindications? And frequency of treatment?

I'll be incorporating into my current facial service alongside the benefits of the ultrasonic spatula I purchased from you last year! :)

Also, how long are the dermafiles? Would they fit a 6.5" length ultrasonic tank?

Put a note somewhere to remind you to remove the tool (or brushes) before you leave. Or an alarm on your phone. 


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