Well folks if you cannot find your favorite Dermalogica product at Walmart, you can also check with Sears!



It is my personal opinion that any professional who carries this line, should boycott until they get this line OUT of Walmart and Sears.  I do NOT buy the lame excuse that someone bought a WHOLE boatload of their products and are underselling themselves to get Dermalogica in these big box stores. 


It is wrong to undercut the very professionals who have put Dermalogica where they are today.



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Not only is Dermalogica on sale, but you can get Obagi too!  Check out the web site.



Here is the link to the products YOU can buy right now from Walmart.com.Dermalogica at Walmart.com


And here is the link for Sears.com Dermalogica you can buy...  Dermalogica at Sears.com


If I actually see them in the stores, I will take a picture and post it.





My husband works in the photo lab in Walmart here in Ca. There isn't any Derm in that store. As I saw from the link its a on line purchase only. Even though its so very wrong. I have some Derm and have been using it because of what the store sells. But I don't like the feel nor the look of my clients face when I am done. Doesn't have that nice glow that I did a nice facial on them. So I am looking for something else. Problem is people come in there to buy it and think its the best. I so do not agree. I hope in the store part time and then have my esty room in the back of the store. There are also 2 hair stylist. I can't retail what I choose to use. And I don't get commission selling Derm either. So that part really sucks. Other wise I am pretty happy being there for now.
I have purchased Dermalogica at my local Sears store. One product ( Skin Smoothing Cream) appears to be the same as what I have been buying at my skin care spa, for the last 10 years. The other product is defiantly NOT THE SAME, ( Active Moist) I purchased two tubes of this product, they are both like water! I can turn the tubes upside down and it will just pour out!
I contacted: Dermalogica today and they were not helpful at all. There answer was, Sears does not have an account with us! We have no responsibility for that product!
I have spent thousands of dollars on Dermalogica Skincare over the years, facials, treatments, products and many gifts. This is there answer to me!!!!!!
I am very disappointed in them as a company that I have trusted with my skincare.

The products that I purchased were bought from my local Sears store in Pleasanton Ca. On June 30, 2012
My mouth fell open when I read that.  Yes, indeed, you can even get Professional sizes online at their website!  Appalling!  I have a meeting with our rep tomorrow and will certainly ask more questions.  Thanks for the information.

This is what my Dermalogica Sales Rep had to say when I asked her about the inquiry. Our product isn't in Sears, Wal Mart or Target. This is an ugly rumor.

You can send her to the web sites I posted above so she can order her Dermalogica products from either Walmart or Sears... 


And Kim, your rep will be trained to tell you that those products were not authorized to be sold, and that they are "investigating"...  My guess is that Dermalogica corporate sold those products directly to walmart and Sears.  As someone said above, they're not likely to turn down a $250,000.00 order now are they?



I don't understand Dermalogica! They've made their way to franchises as well, you can get it most anywhere.  It takes away the integrity of the product.  I do like some of their products for clients, but not much of the line. This is discouraging!
I don't like this either. I agree to boycott any professional line of skin care, that places the product in stores,kiosks, and on line. It is hard enough in today's esthetic world to make it, with out discount facials
Thelma, you are so right.  The area I live in has been hit hard by the recession.  In order to make it we need the support of the skin care lines that we use, not this betrayal.  I'm with you, the moment the line I use is available at stores I'll stop using them.  It will be hard since I have been using Sothys for years and my clients love it but we can't compete with these discount stores.  Can you see us having a blue light special or here's your coupon for $10 off your purchase?
I'm a little late but think I can provide some info as far as how sears.com works. The company basically partners with many online retailers so that when you search for something on their site you get products from other online retailers. If you purchase them from sears.com then the company takes a percentage of the profit. That's why if you type in something like "pasties", several products that you would never ever see sold in an actual Sears store will come up as an option to buy. Dermalogica's only real fault is allowing their products to be sold online at all.

Adam - Dermalogica products are also on the shelves in Sears stores in the Chicago area.  Sears has reopened their beauty departments and are stocking what is clearly diverted product.  The product packaging (in some cases) is old and many of the boxes and bottles are shrink wrapped which is something that Dermalogica doesn't do for its registered accounts.  The whole thing makes me sick.


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