I've been using the PCA Skin Detox gel for extractions and I love it how it makes it easier to come out. However I had a couple of clients that say it burns a bit..and some are really sensitive to having extractions being done. Does anyone have a favorite Disincrustation product and a gentle technique for extractions on sensitive clients?



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I normally don't do extractions on someone who is extremely sensitive.  I use Scaling Fluid by Dermalogica and no one has ever told me it  burns.  The only technique I use is just using my fingers.  I don't use extractors, too harsh on someone's skin. 
Thanks Jodi, I've used Dermalogica and their scaling fluid throughout the years before switching to PCA Skin. I'll keep it on hand for clients that say they're really sensitive but do want extractions. I've only used my fingers as well but had an esthetician tell me I should buy an extractor tool for the nose area. I think it's okay if I don't press hard but it's pretty difficult to know if I'm doing that since the client is the one feeling it and not me.  I do worry I could leave a mark or break the skin somehow. 

Jodi Deverter said:
I normally don't do extractions on someone who is extremely sensitive.  I use Scaling Fluid by Dermalogica and no one has ever told me it  burns.  The only technique I use is just using my fingers.  I don't use extractors, too harsh on someone's skin. 
I have found that massaging the skin with an oil based product really works to loosen blackheads, and they practically come out by themselves.   I also use this technique for losening ingrown hairs when waxing, they just pop out on their own and can then be tweezed.

Hi there.  I have used the PCA Detox Gel a couple of times and my clients complained that it burned and was too strong (ingredients are hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, salicylic acid and glycolic acid).  They were pretty uncomfortable.  I also didn't find it really loosened things up all that much.  I much prefer using a mandelic acid peel and find extractions are fine after the peel.



Hi Patti, 

What line are you using for the mandelic acid peel? Is it from Face Reality? I'd love to know more information about it!

Patti Cassalia said:

Hi there.  I have used the PCA Detox Gel a couple of times and my clients complained that it burned and was too strong (ingredients are hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, salicylic acid and glycolic acid).  They were pretty uncomfortable.  I also didn't find it really loosened things up all that much.  I much prefer using a mandelic acid peel and find extractions are fine after the peel.



Hi Katrina,


Yes - we have a great Mandelic peel at Face Reality.  If you want more information about our protocols and products we have a training DVD.  You can go to http://www.facerealityacneclinic.com/index.php and look at the section called Professional Training under Skincare Professionals.  You can actually view the first chapter of the DVD there.  If you have more questions please let me know.



What oil based product are you using? From what line? I tried the Azulene serum from YG Lab before and it does alright.  Would love to know, Thanks =)

Colette Fontana said:

I have found that massaging the skin with an oil based product really works to loosen blackheads, and they practically come out by themselves.   I also use this technique for losening ingrown hairs when waxing, they just pop out on their own and can then be tweezed.
The Softening Gel from Bioelements is a good product to massage into the skin before extractions.  Water based & wont burn the skin.  I just massage it into the skin for a few minutes with some steam.  Works very well!
Bioelements, Softening Gel, use under the steam. Works great..
I use PCA and love it! However, have found some clients were sensitive to the detox gel as well. I just use the gentle exfoliant under steam and it seems to make extractions just as easy as if I was using the detox gel.
Wow, I didn't think of trying the PCA gentle exfoliant under steam, how long do you massage it in and leave it on before you begin extractions?

Erica Estrada said:
I use PCA and love it! However, have found some clients were sensitive to the detox gel as well. I just use the gentle exfoliant under steam and it seems to make extractions just as easy as if I was using the detox gel.
Can I order the Softening Gel through the Bioelements website? Looks like I'd need to register first.

Heather Capitanich said:
The Softening Gel from Bioelements is a good product to massage into the skin before extractions.  Water based & wont burn the skin.  I just massage it into the skin for a few minutes with some steam.  Works very well!


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