Hello everyone I am just wondering if you can give me an advice about safety and protection while performing the facials, I am loving my job and helping my clients with their skin concerns but there are sometimes when I am not sure if I should wear gloves all the time or not? I find very unconfortable to do a facial with gloves since I can't really feel the client skin but I know it is important to protect ourselves. Does anybody knows what kind of gloves are very good to use?  Thank you in advance.

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using gloves also has cost saving implications -- the expensive products are soaking into your skin, just the clients!

I only use gloves when I am doing extractions (that's a MUST) or other specific procedures, like waxing, and sometimes if the client has more severe acne that I performed a lot of extractions on, I will put on a new pair of gloves for the rest of the facial since there are open pustules etc etc that could be infected. Only time I will use gloves for the whole entire facial is if the client has a certain skin condition, you will know a condition that you maybe shouldn't come in close contact with when you see one...The type of gloves that I use for procedures and situations like this are LATEX-FREE (so important, many people are allergic to latex!, powder-free (I personally hate the feeling of the powder on my hands when taking off gloves that have it), Vinyl gloves, I order mine from universalcompanies.com, fair price. Other than that, I feel like wearing gloves for the whole facial takes away from the experience. I know that personally if I was to go get a facial, I wouldn't want to feel like I'm being massaged with rubber, even if the gloves are thin, but that's just me! However, I do sanitize after every single step, literally.

Awesome thanks Nina that is what I do too bc there are some weird open wounds sometimes I do not know what is it or I had clients with cold sores (Herpes Simplex) and they said is nothing but I can tell is that so I wear gloves but I do not like wearing gloves at all feeling the client skin and they feeling my touch makes the facial more special but I know we have to also becareful and protect ourselves. Thanks so much!

Thanks so much Nina I appreciate your advice I agree with you is important to protect ourselves :)

I do as much as possible. For sure  during extractions. I also do a quick cleanse after extractions while my gloves are still on before post extraction products. Always better to be safe and treat everyone as they may have something. 

Thanks Cynthia I appreciate your reply you right we need to be careful and protect ourselves and the clients as well.

Yes, I glove up for everyone everytime. Do not want to get or give herpes. Yes it is a pain and yes I do wash my hands before and after I glove up. These days, you can't be too careful. We were taught to use them in school and I never noticed them as feeling weird. Let one person get something from you that you got from someone else and you will be blamed so don't put yourself out there. 

Thanks Shelley I totally agree I used gloves the last two days at work and clients did not complain about it I did because I saw something weird in their skin and I also had a little finger cut I explain clients that I was protecting them and me and they were ok, I would love to wear gloves always if the clients are ok with it because I do enjoy feeling their skin and I am sure they do enjoy the natural touch than the rubber touch with gloves but is a matter of health maybe I will end up using gloves always. Thanks again :)

Also, If you just have a cut on your finger that you want to protect yourself and your clients from, you can wear a "finger cot". I sliced my finger open a few months ago, it was pretty deep, didn't need stitches, but I was afraid to give my clients their facials and I absolutely hated the idea of gloves for the whole facial. So someone recommended finger cots which are little cots you just slip on your finger, get the right size and they won't slip off, and also "liquid bandages" which is a liquid that you apply to the cut, it actually works as an antiseptic and helps it heal faster, the liquid hardens over the cut and seals it right up. Best 2 things I ever invested in for a problem like this, got both at CVS. I still didn't do any facials for the first 2 days only because it was painful to apply pressure, but then after it started healing up, I washed my hands, applied the liquid bandage, let it dry, put the finger cot on, and got going, and the facials turned out great, everything worked, clients didn't have one complaint. So for me, this worked much better than it would have if I used gloves because I was still able to use a natural touch for the most part, yet protect myself and the clients at the same time.

For me the sense of touch is very emotion a l for my clients especially my little old ladies. I feel that touch cannot be done with gloves. (Except in certain circumstances, natural a lot) .  

Hi Amy is true I do hate doing facials with gloves :/ but sometimes is best thanks for your reply :)

As we talk about this, I am reminded that cold sores are a contra-indication to doing facials. It's been niggling me so I looked it up and it says so in my milady book. Fyi, it's on my release form also as a contra-indication.


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