Well hello to all my fancy Esty pals.

Just wanted to know what you all did with empty wax tins? I have a lot considering I wax quite a bit. I don't just want to toss the cans in the trash because I feel like we should do our part to make this environment better!  I feel like we (estheticians) should have some sort of recycling of cans and empty treatment bottles... I don't know just a thought. Maybe we could use the money from recycling these items and help out students who are going to esthetics school and can't afford items or to take their state board exam.. I don't know! I feel like I want to give back. Any ideas? Does this sound realistic? Why can't we give these items back to to companies we buy them from in exchange for a donation to education!  Or a bonus program for every can we turn in we can use it for supplies... 

Just an esty with dreams of being great at what I do and helping others along the way! 

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I'm with you on the recycling, though don't do it much in my practise. One thought I had immediately was the cleaning of the cans, I almost think the time and expense of special wax cleaning solutions wouldn't be worth it for me. I have done it for myself-but only because some brand's cans didn't fit in the wax pot, and the other product containers I use for my own use, traveling etc.

I always keep the tins as i use beads of wax instead of wax tins itself.  When the tin is empty i just pour in more wax pellets/beads so i don't have this issue as i don't need to throw tins away.  Your ideas of donation are great if you buy wax by the tin as opposed to the bag etc...maybe you should contact them to see if they would consider this idea.

I am going to shoot an email to the different companies to ask. I have not found a soft wax that comes in beads that I LOVE so I have to keep buying tins of soft wax. Right now I am using a soft soy wax.. so if you have any suggestions let me know. Then I can be a 1-tin gal! Then i will be complete with a fancy Hard wax & an even fancier soft wax! 

You know you are right, there isn't any really.   In soft wax i use a HUGE tin of soft wax and keep pouring it from tin to tin when it gets too low and so the lower one fits in my wax heater.  Big pain in the bum most of the time, but most of my services are bikini's etc, so i am always using hard wax instead of going through a lot of soft.  But, yes it does pose a problem for wastage if you are doing lots and lots of body waxing.  


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