This week has been a slow week for me. I recently got married and when I came back from my short vacation my books were slammed.... but now I am slow. Ive contacted all my clients I saw before the wedding who did not rebook at the time and now next week is looking good. So what do I do about days like today, when Im just down right dead? What do you guys do when your just slow?

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Deep clean! Scrub everything! It's amazing the things clients notice that we do not, since we are focused on them. I also like to add helpful information to my business' Facebook page and blog…just to make sure I remain on everyone's radar. I also study upon treatments. It's amazing the little things you forget…it's nice to keep up to date and to increase your knowledge. Congrats on getting married!

Love these suggestions!  They are all a great use of time!

contact clients who haven't been in in a while, think up marketing ideas, post on Facebook…and read through the forums!

Or sometimes I just go home and take a nap.


Have a standard working plan for these days. I blog, email, work on my marketing plan, clean my room, make phone calls and and send thank you s.



Clean clean clean, get creative and re-organize, Work on a blog, or a little newsletter to the clients and/or public, come up with new ways to promote the business, update the website or facebook, research skincare ingredients and get to know them better and better, look up the latest news in the esthetic world, come up with little extras like future service specials or raffles, etcetc.. Lots of fun stuff that at least I enjoy doing, can make your slow days go by so much faster leaving you feeling more accomplished than ever:)

Congratulations on your wedding! 


I don't know if you're in a full service salon or not.  But if you are, maybe you could look to see if anyone new has come into the spa.  Introduce yourself while they're waiting for their stylist, nail tech, or massage therapist.  Perhaps you could offer a complimentary 3 minute hand massage while you make them aware of your esthetic services.  Give them your business card. It's good self-promotion.  Or read up on product information of anything new that may been introduced into the spa while you were away.  Best of luck!


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