I have been an estie for a year and a half now. I have never used any type of electricity in my facials. Mainly for 2 reasons, 1. in school we briefly touched on it never actully used it 2. so many contraindications I'm nervous I'll hurt someone. Just wondering if anyone else doesn't use any of these things?

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That's interesting. Not even a steamer?

In school we were trained in and used high frequency and galvanic...two of the most basic electrical devices...as well as microdermabrasion.  That is disappointing that you did not gain the education and experience to feel comfortable using them.  But there are a lot of people who learn a variety of devices either on the job or they teach themselves.

I can certainly understand being nervous but I hope that you will remain open to new things! Although of course you don't NEED any of them to provide a nice facial.

An inexpensive and very useful piece of equipment is the ultrasonic skin spatula - almost everyone I know that has one has taught themselves how to use it.  You can safely practice on yourself. 
That would be the one device that I would encourage you to at least try.


Now me, I LIKE technology!  So -while there are many relaxing facials that I have provided to clients without using electrical equipment (just lamp and steamer), I much prefer to use them if possible for better results.



oh yes i use a steamer and of course the mag lamp, i'll look into this ultrasonic spatula. Also I think our equipment is not that reliable. I have a 14 in 1 machine in my room but it's very unreliable the  more experienced estie that i work with hates to use it too.
Hi Tanya....don't be afraid of the big bad tools!! :-) They make our work so much more fun and clients love them. Cindy is so correct about an ultrasonic spatula, simple yet effective. I have a training video on my website, take a peek at it. Let me know if you need any help at all! www.shelleyhancock.com
thanks i'll take a look
Thanks for the info. I watched the demo, do you personally sell these? what brand is it?

Oh yeah Tanya - I once worked for a spa with a multi-function unit.  The owner did not even know how to use it OR what the functions actually DID.  It had some kind of lymphatic drainage cups for face and body that I couldn't figure out at all.  I am not fond of the brush and spray attachments - but I know a lot of people use them. For me personally the brush always feels too harsh - and I KNOW there are sanitation issues. Usually the HF and galvanic work on these machines though. 

It's nice to incorporate HF in your acne facials.  And the galvanic can be used to infuse serums.  But if there is no manual and nobody there knows how to use the machine it can be REAL confusing trying to figure everything out.

I'm wondering if your unit already HAS an ultrasonic spatula (14 is a lot of functions!)

Good luck with everything...it gets easier!

Cindy, I did see that it does have a ultrasonic tool on there but the attachment does not look like a spatula one attachment is flat and round and the other is round but much smaller....any thoughts?? and i havent hooked it up yet to see if even works. Thanks for all the help ;-)


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