Hi everyone!  Does anyone have any feedback on Eminence?  I have never used it, but I did have a facial with it last week and I have to say I was skeptical about the all natural/organic lines.  But this one left me with soft glowing skin.  But I would love to hear from anyone using it, as it's hard to tell from 1 facial and I'm not using their homecare.  I work in a medical spa, and we use numerous lines, and I discussed adding an organic, natural line, for clients who prefer this.  Any feedback would be appreciated. 

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i have used it very briefly and think it nice. It will dry out quickly if left out and has a very short shelf life. i am an all organic esthetician and use Acure Organics. Very affordable for clients (unlike Eminence) and had chlorella growth factor (phyto stem cells) and Argan oil. I think Argan Oil is going to blow up, it's amazing. 

I love Acure, use it too!

I don't use it however I have a friend who does and she can't say enough good about it. The place she works at has used it 4 or more years that she has been working there as an LMT and now as an esty. She was seeing a big difference in the burn soldiers they used it on. She uses it personally and gives away alot for gifts.

I've used Eminence off and on at different spas. It smells nice and clients always comment on that. I did not get great "results" from their line.  

I actually use Eminence pinnaple peel in my basic facial along with Saians enzyme mask and it works well. 

What I know about eminence is that they have a specific order of operations with their product. They have three basic facials ..calm, clear, and firm in their Vita-Skin line. They start with an exfoliation like an enzyme peel to start so that their products can penetrate further into the skin. And what they are really doing with their products is feeding the skin nutrients.

I used to swear by this product until I carried it in a past spa along side another less 'earthy' brand.  The results couldn't compare to other brands and because its cold processed and has nothing preserving it it MOLDS! However, for the 'spa' experience it is delightful for the clients but the results are mostly fluff.  If you are catering to the 'I buy my skincare at Wholefoods' crowd then this really is the line for you because the price point is nice for the homecare and the textures and smells are nice.  I honestly really wish this stuff did all it promises to do because I want to believe in it, but I can't.

Eminence is becoming the AVEDA of this decade. Seems to be everywhere and  it's "hook" is not as strong as it used to be.

Sort of like when Dr. Hauschka started to be available at Whole Foods -- the skin care equivalent of "Jumping the shark"

You might look into Kerstin Florian which has a nice combination of earthy and more traditional formulations for products.


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