WhooHoo...I'm excited to say that this year I'm going have my own booth at the Face and Body Show in San Jose. Booth 447. Please come visit me.


Here's my promo discount code to get tickets: http://www.shelleyhancock.com/skincareprofessionals.html


Hope to see/meet many of you then!

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Hi Shelley!!


That's great! Congrats on getting a booth!! Your business is booming!  I'll come by and say hello.

I plan on attending your workshop in November but still trying to decide if I'm coming on Sunday or Monday. One of the gals I work  along side with (Tiffanie Nelson) will be coming as well.  She mentioned that she spoke to you this week about the Dermafiles.  She's super excited and has been wanting one since I did my Diamond Facial on her with this fabulous litte tool. 


See ya soon!


Denise, thanks for sending Tiffanie my way! I really appreciate it. I look forward to seeing you at the Face and Body and also at our "Empowering Estheticians" workshop in November. The registrations are really coming in already!


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