Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make my facials more special besides adding more massage onto it?  I already do a hand & arm massage, facial massage and scalp massage, and I'm not really interested in massaging feet. :/     Is there anything special I can do that won't cost me anything or will be a minimum cost?

Thank you!!!!!!!

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people love me adding galvanic and high frequency for some reason. it adds more value to my facials...

Thank you for the reply.  I really don't have the $ right now for a multi-function machine, or to purchase galvanic or high frequency machines.  I have a steamer, mag light, and a hot towel cabinet. ;)

I add aromatherapy to my hot towels.  My steamer has a basket for essential oils so I can let clients choose the scent they like.  Warm tummy packs, eye pillows, ice globes and  wrapping hands in warm towels are also great.  Great feeling sheets are a must. Lip and eye treatments are very inexpensive.  A rep gave me some wonderful advice.  She told me I was giving away too much in my facials and she was correct.  Let your clients know the special touches they get in every facial and you might want to consider making a menu of add ons.  I call mine enhancements and they sell.  I purchased the Time Master from Shelley Hancock and made my money back with in the month.  A must have in my opinion.  Have fun with it.

agree with the time master!  most clients went from a $65 to a $95 facial and don't even bat an eye.

Ditto on the sheets, warming hand mits, warm neck pillow, etc.

Thank you!  I'm going to have to check out the Time Master thing.  That sounds interesting.  I love the thought of adding aromatherapy as well. :)

I found this weighted blanket instructions on pinterest and made it. My clients LOVE it!  I also do an eye and lip treatment with EVERY client. 

Another great treatment that my clients love is that I give them a glass of water before and after my facial.  In a martini glass or a champagne glass.  It's part of my services.  Just that alone starts us off on the right foot  (I also offer tea hot or cold as well).  Sometimes a warm cup of tea just helps start the relaxation process.  I then can do all kinds of things and my clients typically sleep right through it.

I can also say that aromatherapy with the steam is killer!  My clients love it so much! 

When I first started out, eye/lip/hand/foot treatments were all part of the facial.  Now they are "add-ons".  I am guessing you can make a lot of money on these, but my schtick is that I don't have any.  They are ALL included which is why my prices are a touch higher than others. Hot towels after the hand massage is awesome.  I then wrap in a dry towel. 

I would recommend purchasing a $30 high frequency from amazon.  worth every penny! 

Thank you! I think a weighted blanket would feel nice.  It would make you feel grounded and secure, I would think.  I'll have to buy it though, since I don't sew.  lol.

Thanks for the advice, everyone!!!!  :)

(I don't either, but it was really easy to make! and was two pieces of material and some rice)

I'm always looking for fun and unique ways to make my facial better, and one thing I added recently at no charge to my client, is a 20 min hypnosis session.. lol...I downloaded a few different ones from The two most popular are natural anti-aging and facelifting... Studies have shown a 20 min hypnosis session is equivalent to a two hour nap. Every time I do a session my face looks more relaxed and rejuvenated. I download them onto an ipod I use just for this purpose and let the client pick one before I begin their facial. I have about 10 different ones now, slowly building a collection, from anti-aging to relaxing.. They even have one for relaxing as if you were on a vacation and fantasize about a beautiful desert island with white beaches and blue The cost is about $15 per download. My clients love it! I usually turn it on during the mask and massage portion of the facial.  I use the natural facelift session while doing microcurrent, so my clients don't talk too much. Some have started downloading them for home use...  Might be a strange add on for some but I'm in Northern CA and people like this type of stuff!

Thank you!

you can also order them on cd I just ordered the anti aging and the natural aging Cant wait to incorporate them into the masking/massage part of my facials Thanks for the advice Karen.

Nice. I really do love the hypnosis and my clients notice they are much more relaxed afterward. Its also great for the chronic talkers, who have a hard time relaxing. Did you get the CD's from Hypnosis Downloads?


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