Every establishment has its own way of booking, be it highest producer first, seniority first, and then some establishments book one person completely before putting anything on the next person's book.
I recently accepted a position as Spa Manager at an establishment that believes the person with the least seniority should get booked with a new client who does not make any special request. This has raised issues with the longer term employees who feel they paid their dues and deserve to get the new clients first. The management philosophy, however, is that they have had an opportunity to build their clientele, and management needs to help the newer person build their clientele. Please give me your advice.
In addition, on a recent work day, a co-worker had two special requests and the third appointment was a new client. Initially, there was a conflict on the newer employee's book, but that appointment changed leaving the newer employee available to take that appointment. Should the new client (non-request) appointment been moved to the newer employee or left on the more senior employee's book of business? What do you think?