Is anyone offering fanny facials?  If so, would you be willing to share protocols?  I am considering adding them to my treatment menu for the summer since those are the times we are typically slower it may be a smart thing to add on.  Being in Florida, this could be a great service.   Maybe it could be a fanny facial spray tan combo.  I was reading in dermascope a protocol where they do a spray on tan afterwards but it is my understanding that when doing spray tan, the skin needs to be clean and clear of any product/moisturizer.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. 

Also any suggestions for cellulite treatment, tightening and toning, etc?

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I'm not but I might-just read the art and lost what I started writing! Sounds good to me. Personally not a big fan of cellulite treatment options we have with lotions or essential oils. Certainly alot beleive in them, the rest though, I think is a great idea. You might set yourself apart by offering this. Would you tan just the buttcks? Wasn't really sure what the article was suggesting. I personally don't offer tanning but there is a gal in same salon that does. I might just have to have a talk with her! Good luck!


Fanncial ?

When spray tanning, you cannot have any kind of product on the skin because it will effect the color on the skin. That doesn't mean you can't do the fanny facial and the spray them though. You would just make sure their skin is clean. I offer a body scrub/spray tan package and haven't had any issue with it.

I am also not a fan of cellulite treatments. They can help with the appearance of but nothing long term and everything I have read, there is nothing that can be done. Spray tanning will help hide the cellulite!! :)

Devyn, what kind of protocol do you use for the scrub/spray? Also any suggestions on equipment and products for spray tanning I am considering starting this as an add on ... I've heard great things about VIP, Sunfx, &tampabay any of these companies offer training? I have read through lots of these post but most are dated ... 3 years later can you share what worked for you and what didn't?

Greatly appreciated
Sheila are you still using VIP? Also any advice for someone just starting out? :)


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