Hi everyone! I know I am all over the place on this forum- but I have so many questions as I make product and business decisions!! :-)

I am pretty decided that I want to use Cerepil wax. I have decided on the Blue wax for stripless.

What is everyone's favorite soft wax (Cerepil) that is great for eyebrows and body waxing (arms, legs, etc.)

Thank you!

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Try Starpil wax tablets.  It is way less expensive and so very very similar to Cerepil.  They have blue and green.  Their hard wax is AMAZING!!!  I love their soft wax.  It comes in cans or fabulous cartridge system for body.  If you buy in large quantity even better price and free shipping.  VERY impressive and worth a sample bag to compare!!!  I switched after trying it...  LOVE the natural wax... Probably my fav for stubborn lip and bikini...
I would suggest that you to use Cirepil Blue hard wax on their eyebrows, lip, face, underarms and bikini. I don't like to use soft wax at all on the facial areas or sensitive areas. Have you tried Berins blue? It's even better than the Cirepil blue but everyone has their own preference. It's definitely my favorite. For waxing the arms, legs, etc..I'm very happy with Caron Brilliance strip wax, it seems to hurt less than others I've tried and when applying it doesn't drip and it doesn't leave much sticky residue. If you prefer only Cirepil brand of strip wax, you could try the Vegetale wax.

Thank you both- I will check them all out.

Katrina- do you get a good, clean line with hard wax on the eyebrows? I am not sure how well I can accomplish that w/o a lot of tweezing... :-/ any tips??

Yes, I do. The key is to have good pressure when applying the blue wax onto the hairs and hold the skin taut while you apply it. Sometimes you also have to buff the hair upward with your finger before you start applying wax so it's not laying flat. I usually have to go over it a 2nd time. I only tweeze a few hairs that just won't come out after a 2nd time but it's more to clean it up a little. What you can do is only use the prep lotion and then if you have to wax a second time, apply a tiny bit of oil on your finger and buff the hairs (too much oil will make it difficult for the wax to adhere to hairs). 


Here's the link for Caron wax...http://www.caronlab.com.au/main.php?pg=news&news_id=6153

I also love their venetian spun lace wax strips! It's a must have.

@Tiffany- How many bags would you say would be a good starting order, and how many clients would you say you can service with one bag?
Thank you Katrina- I will have to practice that!! I much prefer hard wax for the face- it's all I use for other facial waxing... I've just been a bit intimidated by it for eyebrows as I was taught to get a very precise line with soft and a strip. it sets up so fast and you can't maneuver the hairs in and out of the wax if it's not exactly what you want.
@Gina: Are you sure we aren't opening the same business?! I use Cirepil as well! My absolute favorite is the blanche. It isn't as sticky, less residue left behind. EVERYONE of my clients were impressed when I swithed from Cirepil Ease ( well, except for one. She is a red-head with extremely fine hair). There was far less pulling of the skin. I love it!!
haha, Amanda! :-)  What did your red-head with fine hair not like about it? Did it break the hair?
Yes, exactly the reason! It didn't grab good on her at all, however she is one of those clients that doesn't follow waxing guidelines. She will shower DIRECTLY before coming, or come right after working out. So, if you have a client like that, I suggest the Ease. What are PCA prices like for peels? I need to check them out...some many of you guys on here talk about how much you like them. I am currently using the peels from Bioelements, but am also interested in finding a Jessner's as well.

Lol, this is really funny...I, too, am opening in a chiropractor's office!! Wow, weird!!


Amanda Coursey said:

Lol, this is really funny...I, too, am opening in a chiropractor's office!! Wow, weird!!


That IS funny Amanda!!! good for you!!


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