Sooo.. fellow professionals... I am having my own dilemma regarding whether I should fire a client.
I have had the same client with me since I started my practice. I give her the "SPA" experience at a NO SPA price. She has always done the Micro/peel service and I added galvanic treatments also. Within the last 6 months she has really been super critical of her time with me. I suggested we get a little more aggressive because we had a reached a " plateau" with her sessions and her skin wasn't responding. I made adjustments to my treatments accordingly and explained that parts of the routine would not be done.
That's part 1 of the problem: She has memorized my routine and gets mad at me when I "vary the routine".
Part 2: Then against my recommendation, she wants to quit the aggressive part ( deeper peel ) because that caused me to stop doing the galvanic treatment. Even though we had started to improve her skin with the aggressive treatments she only wanted the "Routine". So I cut the aggressive peel and cut the service time to about 30-35 minutes. This made her upset now because I was no longer spending an hour on her service. I explained that now her service is not as long because of the treatment has been changed. She automatically assumed the price of her service = an hour of time and I should be spending that time always the same each time@! Basically she wanted more time but to spend less! -- UGH
.... After( 2) "adult" & "professional" chats & an email saying I thought we should end treatments.... We agreed to go back to the less successful treatment so she could have the " Routine she's used to. So now we are the start of a new series and now she's expressed she's been "looking elsewhere". We discussed a new series and how to keep the treatments going.... and she just infuriates me.. because my prices are already very very reasonable and I have bent over backwards to be an adult and professional... but she constantly challenges me on my protocols, my pricing, my expertise, she watches the clock, memorizes my every move..... I'm at my wits end. She did purchase a new package and paid her normal half up front that I always let her do.
BUT.. I'm having 2nd thoughts...I almost just refunded her $$$ and sent her a letter ending our professional relationship. She just makes me feel " icky" inside. I loathe my time with her now!
Is it too late to FIRE HER!! LOL. My husband says just deal with it but I'm looking for some professional advice! I can handle a little difficulty... but this woman is a 15 on a 10 scale!!
Thanks a Bunch!
Hi Janet, Sorry you are having such a difficult time with your client. When a client continually drains your energy and attempts to take the love away from your profession, I say fire them. I've had a few of these types and after continually tying to make them happy, they still continued to make unnecessary conflict, so for the sake of my mental health, I had to let them go. It was the best decision I made and I no longer have to look in my books with that icky feeling like "Oh shes coming today..ugh"..... These types of clients effect your energy, are toxic to your health and no amount of money is worth being bullied. Also when your energy is down it can be projected onto your other clients, which isn't fair to them. I say have a talk with her and if it continues, let her go.
Thanks for the support! I totally feel the same. Anguish....! She has an appointment today.. but I giving her the BOOT! instead.. I don't like conflict. And the fact that it will be a face to face firing.. LOL I'm a little anxious! Thanks for your reply!
My husband likes to give advice and play the 'devil's advocate'...I take it lightly! Sometimes what he thinks is black and white isn't really best for me! I say send the letter. It is far worth your sanity, and you have pointed out all of the reasons that you want to--you just need to do it. She obviously enjoys the power play with you. Imagine how freeing it will feel to be done with it!
Hello Janet,
I agree 100% with Karen, Let that client GO! You will not regret this decision, that client is poison to you. Nothing good can come from such a toxic relationship, and you, your health, and your mental well being do not need the aggravation.
I wish you all of the best! ~ Laura
PS: Perhaps it would be easiest to send her a professionally polite letter. Start out by thanking her for her business, tell her politely that you can no longer serve her, end on a positive note that you appreciated her business (something like that) and wish her well. Done.
Good for you Janet! I admire you for having the courage to do it face to face!
No amount of money is worth the trouble of babysitting and essentially fighting with a client. Fire her ASAP!
Absolutely! Americans need to learn at some point that they have been taught that their dollar buys them the ability to treat people poorly, and it is unacceptable!
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