I was curious if anybody else has had a lot of cancellations this week? I am finding people are canceling because of their financial situation. I was doing so well the last couple weeks , where I made my first 1,000 in a day last week. Ever since gas went to 4.20 here my book has dropped off. I get so frustrated with these slow weeks and tend to freak out.

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That's so cool that you are able to make that correlation!  By doing so, you are in a position to offer a "gas is expensive but you look fabulous" add-on to your services during the period of higher gas prices (or for 6 weeks or whatever arbitrary limited time period you chose).  Something enjoyable but easy and inexpensive.  Refrigerated rice pillow under the neck.  Throw in an inexpensive gel eye mask for them to take home.  Make a big deal of it in your newsletter and social media, and you'll see, they'll keep those appointments!

Great! Thanks for the reply! I will try this. I have been throwing in foot treatments with my 1 hr european facial with the parrafin and booties for $65. I am a massage therapist so I do more massaging in my facials and focus on knots in neck and shoulders. I do let then know I am dual licensed but I don't think they are realizing they are getting more bang for their buck. I really struggle with wording when it comes to marketing.


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