Is Groupon really the only way to drive business anymore??
Any ideas on getting the word out affordably AND still getting value for your services??
Or has the whole world been trained to cheapen every service and good out there??
(Can you tell I'm a little irritated by the whole trend?!?)

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Exactly, Nondy! I just opened my doors this past month (first time out on my own and I am new to the area). My main goal is to get my name out there, and to get clients in, so that i have the opportunity to sell product, rebook, & upgrade. Of course, I do have other avenues of exposure such as internet via website, and I belong to several networking groups in the area. I think of it more as, rather than dipping my toe into the pool of 'building a base' clientele, I am jumping in head first!

Also, if I sell 300 treatments, (which expire within 6 months) that is about $6000 (excluding $420 for tax and $800 for product). This also does not include a gratuity, (who knows what that might be ;)) Product sales and rebooking. I have a friend in the area who has gone thru Groupon with her massage business and did very well in the end. So, I am willing to give it a try and have my own experience with it. But stay tuned! I will let you know what happens!

ps. In general, at least 35% of those who purchase a coupon don't even use!

I don't know about your state, but in California these can not legally expire.  They must be honored even if WAY past the expiration date...  It's different for a DONATED gift certificate, but if they PAY for it, it must be honored...


Luckily, in New Mexico they are sticklers about it, 6 months is 6 months.

LUcky you!  I did one of these types pf promotions and was honoring certificates for three years!  It was enough to put me off these deals forever!  LOL!!


The doc asked me if I wanted to do a Groupon, and I politely said "no, I don't think so"...  When I actually wanted to say "no way in HELL!"





Hi ladies,

In California there is no expiration date BUT if the deal has already expired they can use the voucher for "credit" towards the service. They pay the difference. 


only the deal expires not the value they paid for it so they can use the value at any time after the expiration for any service you offer.

I'm excited for you!! Let us know how it goes. Fingers crossed :-)
Thanks Tanya! ;)

Best wishes to you..I am starting the same venture soon...keep us posted on your progess!!...Happy Spa-ing!....  ;-)

Personally I would not do groupon, I think you would have a real hard time getting paid. I did a local knockoff because I was brand new in business with no clients yet, so I sold 45 and I am looking at retaining about half of them on a regular basis so it worked for me, half  dollars beats zero dollars and it pays the bills, bot I would never do it if I had been established. So unless your brand new I think you would appear desperate. Also I am a one woman show and my overhead is minimal.  One more thing you really have to WOW these people if you do these otherwise it will probably be a waste of time.

Hi Felicia,

I have a double dilemma; new spa & new to the area!! Hello, Groupon and Living Social! I have worked a deal with both companies. I also have been in contact with another local spa, and this is how they established themselves after arriving to the area from California. They had a huge influx of people, made a lot of connections and they are doing extremely well (they also pocketed $6,000 after tax and product usage). It is inspiring to see. Of course, you are always going to have people who come in once and you never see again, but I am ok with that; there will also be those who actually do become your clients. This is the way that I see it, I just opened my doors, although I have been heavily participating in local networking (which has brought in considerable business), I still have a lot of time still available on my books. So, rather than not doing anything, and make 'nothing', I will bite the bullet and bring in as many people as I can, by utilizing these discount companies. I am great at selling product, up-selling and re-booking. So, what have I got to loose? I am still making money, making new connections, and it is only for a certain amount of time. I don't see it as being 'desperate' I think of it more as creating an opportunity.  Think positive! And say a little prayer for me. ;)

Hi im new to this field and I am having a hard time selling, up-selling and re-booking. would you mind sharing some tips. thanks, sarah


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