My salon is having a grand opening next week and I need some ideas on advertising and for the actual event. I rent my room so I can do my own thing if I want. This is my first salon and first job as an Esthetician. Any ideas that anyone has would be greatly appreciated! I love what I do and I want to be able to share what I can do with everyone. :) I am currently using (and selling) Skin Scripts and some Le Mieux products. Not sure if that matters but thought I would add it. THANK YOU!!

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Offer free skin analysis, and be prepared to recommend a product &/or treatment that will address their concerns.  Offer discounts to anyone who books a future appointment the day of the event.  Gift bags are a great idea, people love them!  Throw in a few samples, along with brochures, business cards, and maybe a full size product.  When doing skin analysis, get names, addresses, phone #s and email addresses.  That way, you have a small base to send direct mail advertising, etc to.  Create a Facebook page for your business, and create a Facebook event for the grand opening.   Good luck! 

All great suggestions Jodi!

The only thing I would say is that a full size product in the goodie bag can get costly, instead maybe try getting neighboring merchants to give you discounts coupons for their services, such as a coffee place, clothing boutique, etc. I'd also add simple things that represent 'relaxation/spa' that won't cost you a lot of out of pocket cash, like a tea bag of chamomile tea, a small hand sanitizer, a chocolate mint, etc. I also like to hold a raffle of three different items, like a 30 min. Facial, a hand treatment, and maybe a basket of full size products as a Grand Prize! Serving lite appetizers and wine is a good too! Lastly, make a sign in sheet and on it list everything YOU want to gather from these people, e.g., name, number, email, whether or not they are on FB, etc.

Hope this helps and good luck with your event! :)

For advertising I would make some type of little flyers and hand them around to local businesses.  If you have local post offices I would post in there.  Also FB is great, put the advertisement on there and look for local places that have business pages and post to their page.  Good luck and have a great grand opening!

These ideas are all great!  In addition, I would offer a discount to clients who book for services that night.  If you see a client that you can create a long term treatment plan for (someone who really wants to work on firming the skin or dealing with fine lines and wrinkles, or acne clients), offer them a bigger discount on purchasing a series of 3 treatments from you.  I've found in my experience that when you get them in for 3 consecutive treatments, they are much more likely to become a regular client.  Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

Thank you everyone for your help! I am the only Esthetician in the salon and I am often forgotten about so I have to do everything to promote myself. Most people don't even know I am there! Not good so that is why I need to take full advantage of this opportunity. 

I love that we have forums like this to help. :)

Thanks to everyone who gave me great ideas for the grand opening. I got 4 bookings that night so I am pretty happy. I passed out water bottles and gift bags with samples, brochures and personalized spf chap stick. I also had G.O. specials for that night and a raffle. I talked to a lot of people as well so hopefully I will see many more people in the future. :)

That's awesome!  Congratulations Devyn! Thanks for the update!

Congratulations!  Thanks for letting us know!  Good luck!

Definately check out local community functions & go solicit & meet people at free events such as music in the park, art & wine Festivals-any festivals, fundraising events for school & sports, local coupon paks that are mailed to homes.



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