Hello from sunny South Carolina,

   I need some ideas for a Grand Opening/Open House. Everything from food to giveaways, etc. will be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

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For our Events we typically request guests to reserve their Complimentary services with a $10.00 reservation, which they get back the night of the event. This ensures they will show up and you aren't wasting your time!

We always do "pick your discount" the night of the event for future services and any purchases that night. it is just a basket with 10%, 15%, 20% up to 50% off pieces of paper.

We typically give each person who attends a small gift bag, most of our skin lines are happy to give free samples or we just use what we have in stock.

As for food, light refreshements are best. My first grand opening, I served wine and had some ladies get completely intoxicated, so needless to say, we keep everything very light now. Cheese, crackers, fruits, tarts, and lemonade, or fresh cucumber water, etc.

Try to send out an email blast and do advertising at least 45 days in advance.

If you want an email sample of our last skin event, email me at Morgan@ElementsToWellness.com and I will send it to you.



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