Seems like there is a dramatic increase in "selling" products in the discussion forums!
I report the issue when I see it, I think it keeps discussions on track. I certainly don't mind when someone shares their direct experience or knowledge - that's what we are all here for!
If someone contacts you or you see advertising or selling in a post please help by reporting it.
You can click on the "Guidelines" tab above if you are unsure about this issue, but here is a sampling...
3. Advertising is not permitted. All advertising/solicitation posts for products, services, or money will be removed—including multi-level marketing information. If someone is advertising, please report the issue. Understandably, you may want to get the word out regarding your offerings and services; Following are your options to do so:
* On your own page, you can list your offerings and a "for more information" website link, but do not include prices.
* You can blog about your offerings, as this is optional for readers, but again, please do not include prices.
* Defer from sending direct messages and/or group emails to groups or site members promoting your offerings. This will be considered spam.
* And finally, please do not include your offerings as a forum topic or group discussion, or create a group based on your advertising agenda.