I feel like I've been asking for help a lot these days...sorry. :( A lot of things have been coming up and I am always trying to build my business. So much harder than I expected (even though I knew it was going to be really difficult!). 

Anyway, my salon is in a city that has 1 center and every year they have a Halloweenfest. I actually grew up in this town (still live here) and it's pretty cool. It's mainly for kids. All the stores pass out candy, they have contests, food, etc. I want to take advantage of this...obviously. :) My mom, every year, makes these popcorn hands (plastic hands filled with popcorn, candy corn as the nails, spider ring...people love them!) and sells them at my dads restaurants. She suggested that I make them this year and hand them out (for free) at the Halloweenfest and attach a Free Hand Facial coupon to it. What do you guys think? I know the popcorn hands will be a success and it makes sense to do a hand facial coupon but I am wondering if people will actually come in to get one. Will that draw in new customers? 


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I feel yourvpain with struggling with getting started, but honestly I think it is a great idea! Although some will tell you otherwise, sometimes you have to give a little away, inorder to raise enough intrest to build your clientel into regular service flowes.

omg - that is such a cute idea!

Thing is - people DON'T always come in for their freebie. But what you have done is given yourself some exposure and name recognition.  Which is kinda the whole point of marketing.

Anyway, lots of people will remember you, many will check out your website, and some people might just show up for their hand facial. I bet people will talk about that for months..."what was that place that gave out those crazy hands for Halloween?"!

what a lot of work to make them, right?

Since it was your Mom's idea, she gets to help! :)

BTW - if you have fun and feel good about doing it then it will have been worth it.

What a great idea!!  I love it!  The free hand treatment is great!  Go for it!!

What have you got to lose?

What does a hand facial detail? How much do you usually charge? Is it usually an add on?  I've never heard of a hand facial? It sounds delightful and would probably do great in another month or so where I have my practice in Northern VT. 

I charge $45 and it includes cleanse, exfoliation, enzyme, massage, mask.
During every facial I give a hand treatment which is either just a hand massage using beneficial oil/lotion or when it's cooler (its been super hot here), I will apply the oil/lotion first and put their hands in warm mitts and then massage during last mask.
I use paraffin too so that is my add-on if they are interested. $20

Thanks ladies on the replies! I'm going to go ahead and do it and maybe throw in a few other free services (around 4). Lots and lots of people will be there! I appreciate the input. :)

Good luck I bet you'll have great results!

This is a great idea!

 By the way, how do you make the popcorn hands? do you mind to share with me?


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