I'd like to get some feedback on this product.  Thanks!

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Hi dear Susan, I dont know about Leslie but I think you are brilliant and want to follow your footstep in this. I need help with the Excel spreadsheet and how to create these files. I love you for this idea. Please reply and guide me through this.

@Susan are you planning on formulating a product with oleander in it?

Brigitte, I am researching the toxicity of this ingredient.  I have contacted suppliers and requested MSDS pdfs and COAs (certificates of analysis).  I have no plans to formulate with it at present, but I would like to research the toxicity of it based on topical versus ingested toxicity.  I am curious about the mechanism of action and how prompting cell death aids in skin health.

The philosophy behind my company is:  Everything you do to your skin is an opportunity to nourish.  Thus, Nutrient Skin Care provides combinations of nutrients in powder form that address specific skin care needs and can be used with existing products as additives or boosters.

Sounds interesting! I read the links you posted. Very informative! Your company sounds like u have integrity. Anyway you could email me with wholesale info? I would love to have more info...
I would as well!

After reading these posts, I am wondering if Nerium is like Proactive. Everyone (consumers) seemed to love it at first but then, over time, realized it wasn't so great for their skin and long-term results. Just because it seems like products aren't harming your skin, the ingredients may be doing long-term damage. I know Proactive is still popular but I've talked to a lot of people that have said they wished they had never used it.

Very true. Quick fixes are almost always a bad idea. It's like some shampoos I've used... They start working great, then after a while, it wears off... Sometimes looking worse then it did. Our bodies can get prone to things and I feel it has a lot to do with what we use out there and how often we use it.

Wow.  I posted a Facebook link to a skin care event we are having (public event) from my professional skin care page, and within minutes, I had an email from a rep looking to come in and sample this product and give me the sales pitch.  How on earth do they find that stuff so fast on FB?  I told her (truthfully) that I have no say in the products, but thanks anyway.   Unreal. 

Only thing of value here to get a lesson in aggressive marketing....and to realize that overly aggressive marketing makes one suspicious.  Slow and easy wins the race.

Its like a cult, stay away from this company LOL! I have had multiple reps harass me and I have had it!! I finanlly tried the product and it dried my skin. NO THANK YOU, NOT FOR ME AND MY LOYAL CLIENTS!!!!!

I was just given a free bottle of Nerium, I gave it to a friend to try. The rep asked that my friend take a before picture and a picture 5 days later. Both my friend and I noticed the intense scent, it smells like a garden salad in my opinion, not the most inviting smell. I have not seen the before or after pictures yet, but my friend said it has done nothing to her skin yet, and certainly not the miracle worth the price. Anything that is too good to be true probably is, and as much as I like the Nerium rep, I don't think this product is all that it claims to be.

Hi all - I'm just catching up on all the discussion here. As a licensed esthetician, struggling to make my own business, I am a  bit irritated with the Nerium craze myself. I had a handful of clients who have called me to say they could no longer come in to see me because they were on Nerium, and that it was "truly changing their skin" and that I need to try it. It bothers me that we go through school, we go through  boards, countless hours of continuous education and pay loads of money to stay on the cutting edge, that stay at home moms, or whomever, without any experience or research  backing them, can convince people such as my former clients to "not go to an esthetician anymore and just use this product." It's irritating. Nerium has saturated my market in the past few months, and every day, I am scared to continue as a solo esthi, struggling to pay rent when a lot of customers want the cheap, here and now fix. I have also been approached by someone who literally emails me every day asking if I tried her samples. As someone who uses glycolic, retinol, sali, etc. on a daily basis, I was honest in saying I just can't see the point of getting off these wonderful active ingredients and harming my skin with something that is not even approved by FDA or what have you. Since she has sent me countless photos of her friends with acne (because I told her I am going through a bout of it now), and telling me how I can start up a business for only $500 for bottles. I'm sorry, but $500? I can't even come up with my $500 rent half the time!! Anyone on here since done further research on Nerium that can actually save us esthis in our desire to help clients using our knowledge, broad education and practice??


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