I'd like to get some feedback on this product.  Thanks!

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Right on girl!  By-pass the pro's easier access to the customers/free work force.  When Nerium wears it's welcome out and the fad has passed, they've made millions and in the aftermath consumers are left with just another "tv miracle cream" and another reason to distrust the skincare industry.

I am a licensed esthetician who is furious with this nerium jumbo. Can you believe my sister is trying to convince family members that I TREAT with professional peels to use this product instead??? She is a stay at home mom who has always tried to challenge me with things. Now she is trying to challenge me within my industry. Unbelievable. I simply am not going to chemically peel one that uses this product because as you may now know, it has hit the market barley in feb this year, also, according to one of their scientists, they are very pleased to market this product for funds to continue their research on this product! what? let alone being distributed by non skincare professionals, we don't know exactly what it can do to the skin in the long run. Possibly damaging cells for a quick fix and a dirty dollar.The cream smells like a disaster, it's tinted skin color (duh" why do u think it makes your skin look better) it's pasty texture is a perfect plaster to fill in the pores and wrinkles. My hand tingled strangely when I applied a little from her sample bottle that she supposedly received for free. it resembled the tingle sensation you get when applying lip plumping product.Yuk. amazing how she also invited me to come to one of their seminars at a girlfriends house to possibly sell this to my clients. Lol! No way. Bridgette McDonald, you are right on point. I would never lower my standards in this industry by selling infomercial skincare, I don't care what it's healing. There's plenty of reputable products out there that are thoroughly tested, backed by professionals, and know the risks. this toxic plant skin miracle can kiss my silky smooth skin. ;)
Hahaha! I've noticed around me that nerium has worn out its welcome. When your sis realizes it is too difficult to sell she will probably give up. I have noticed this with my friends too they like the fact that I do what I do and "try" to do it too. Get a license like the rest of us"!! I still think this nerium businesses is one to be investigated by the boards with their claims. It seems as though that anybody (including doctors) can take a piece of our business. One of my local "family care" physicians has decided to start doing laser hair removal. No estys, just assistants take a class and perform it. There needs to be changes made I tell ya!
Yes. My Obgyn offers vaginal checkups, delivers babies and Botox. Lol omg.
That is hilarious.

I hear fabulous things about this product although remain skeptical due to the fact that it is indeed a MLM.  Would love to know more as well !  

I do use it now in my facial protocols and I can see results in a short time I then sell as an overnight serum as it is designed to be. there is much more info on web. What would u like to know
Yes! From hair stylists everywhere. When approached for this stinky stuff, I was told you get it cheaper if you do auto debit from checking acct. If you've ever tried to stop one of those you know it is nearly impossible. Otherwise it is $120 I think. Not worth it.

I am sure there are others, but here is a link to a good discussion on Nerium:  http://barefacedtruth.com/2012/06/15/nerium-anti-aging-miracle-or-g...

I am in the process of defining each of the ingredients in Nerium, especially the Nerium Oleander leaf extract and other extracts from parts of the Nerium Oleander plant.  Once each ingredient is defined, I will post here.  Seems that is the only way to examine the benefits of any skin care product:  look at what effects the ingredients have on the skin cell.

Another good site with excellent discussion is http://personalcaretruth.com/.  The byline for this site is 'Truth or Scare.'  Great contributors.

Susan Nathan, B.S. Microbiology, Licensed Esthetician, Formulator for Nutrient Skin Care

Email me with questions:  susanleighnathan@gmail.com

Happy Skin Year!

Susan, I actually located the ingredient information on bare face truth. It looks like its just a bottle of glycerin to me, although I'd really like to find out bare facts about oleander for the skin and their contraindications. How they work with other professional chemical or mechanical skincare treatments if at all. A little worried to touch one who's been using this product for some time... Here is the link http://barefacedtruth.com/2012/07/31/nerium-miracle-or-machiavellist/

Leslie, I downloaded the ingredients from that link some time ago with intention to carefully study their synergy, if any, and look at THE active ingredient, Nerium Oleander Leaf Extract.  Before pursuing, I am going to determine its toxicity for skin application and for me to handle it.  You have asked good questions, and I will use them as I look into this active ingredient.  The other ingredients are pretty standard.  It is more than a bottle of glycerin, but the question is Worth the price?

I will get back with overview of the product soon.


Leslie, Just a suggestion if you are interested:  Copy and paste Nerium ingredients on an Excel spreadsheet file.  Title it and save on your hard drive. I keep a folder entitled "Product Ingredients."  It is helpful when a client comes in asking about the product.  You have the ingredients right there and are able to explain each one.  Really great way to increase your product knowledge.

Do you know how to edit Excel spreadsheets? Let me know if you need help.



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