i was wondering what people though of this product?

i have not tryed it yet

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i've tried skincerity.  my sister is a seller of it and i considered doing this myself but felt i needed to try it before endorsing it.   I don't have any huge problems with my skin, except for a little redness on the cheeks and an occasional blemish.  I am over 40 and am getting some wrinkles as well.  Husband is 50.  

Used this product for a month and a half.  

I found that my pores got smaller...skin a little tighter-not much.  didn't help me with anything else though.  My husband used it and his skin actually started having more blemishes.  (This however is due to the serum-it has grapeseed oi in it;  which we found out that he has an allergic reaction to.)  It was suggested to stop using the serum and use just the rest of the products.  So we both did.  Nothing!  didn't do a thing for either of us.

I found this product to not work for Us.  Not to say it won't for others but not us.  I found it to be to expensive and really quite a pain.  (the mask-when i used it did not come off easy- it stuck like glue(now i'm told that its because i have to draw out the toxins first and then it will get easier)  Not the case after a month.  I am not full of toxins-this i know.  i drink 3 liters water daily, am a vegetarian and exercise and take really good care of my skin.  We use only organic products and eat only organic.  So the face mask for me was not fun.  scrubbed at it in the shower and still i would find pieces caught in my hair and on my face.  Husband had easier time getting it off.  (told that , this is sometimes how it is)  

tried it on scrapes and cuts-didn't work for me.  

I won't be endorsing this product.  I found it didn't work for ME.  

not to say that it isn't worth a shot for some people.  

good luck.... 


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