Have any of you ever had an emotional situation in a treatment?

Hi Everyone,

Have you ever had clients who break down during a treatment or other emotional situations? What happened?

Your feedback will be really helpful!

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Yes. I had a client that came once a month to literally cry for the hour on the table. It was very draining but I know she came because she didn't feel comfortable going to see a therapist, which she needed dearly.I never scheduled anyone after her and eventually she stopped because she realized her time was better spent enjoying the treatment.

Yes, I've had all sorts - crying, anger, etc.  Best to rely on your human compassion - do whatever gesture feels most genuine to you, whether that is offering a tissue, wrapping the covers tight around, commiserate, or offering a hug.  

A client may be feeling trapped in a personal or work situation, so providing an opportunity where they can choose what is comfortable for them is key - option of scalp or foot massage; respectful discussion of what techniques to use that day, etc. can all be empowering and calming for a distressed person.

I've honestly had this happen often. I don't know why! I just relax and listen. I calm my own energies and try to channel positive energy into them as I'm working. It's just love and compassion for a person who is hurting. Let them lead the conversation, let them know that you're open to listening if they want to talk and if not don't feel like you have to speak to comfort them. Making them feel well and whole is enough sometimes. If they do talk about it, don't think you have to solve their problem, just commiserate and show acceptance and care of them and all the baggage they come in with. Then, after they leave, wash your hands!

Only one time had this happen. I stopped the massage-pulled the chair up to side of table, placed my arm around her shoulders and let her cry. After balling several minutes she said she didn't know where it came from but thought it was a recent death of a parent and was not able to let it out around her family at the time. I offered tissues then and continued with the massage.

Thank you for the great feedback! I have had some really draining and scarey situations over the years. I think it is important for us to talk about it. It can really make our practice hard.

Just this week will doing a peel on my client who has acne and scarring she began to cry telling me what a difference in her confidence my treatments have made. I literally had to wipe her tears from her eyes to keep the out of her 10% TCA. She hugged me when she left. #love my job and my clients.

Touch can open the door to emotions stored deep in the body and help release them. The therapist can serve as a neutral, safe person to help release the emotions that may be stuck deep in the muscles. The reactions to this release are varied and, in people, may include talking, laughing or crying. In animals there are other reactions. Nervous movement, sighing, stretching, chewing, licking, shaking, and scratching are all signs of release.

Yes! I had a few minutes of a breakdown on both ends
1- first- I had a client ( two of them, in for first time) we got into deep conversation and I shared about a family member recently passing away after they told me they were grieving- I kinda broke down but continued treatment and focused after a few minutes was ok. One came back, so guess I wasn't to scary or unprofessional. I say leave the room if needed and if it happens to often then not a good thing and need to work things outside of work out- otherwise it may be a connection and natural - I always listen and try to read a client before asking questions or talking about myself.

I have also had a few clients that told me things and shared with and without emotion- first time and regulars. Keep professional and always confidential unless need to be otherwise. Be you.

Don't follow my first comment ;)

recently my client, ptsd and under going cancer trwatment broke down... triggered by a song on my spa mix.  i knew she was ptsd from consultation, and in process of cancer treatment. 

i immedatly changed cd, and in a soothing tone, asked if i could help.  she vented, cried, and then said felt a release.  i proceeded in a soothing voice, and hit towell compressions.  with her concent added a gentle neck and shoukder massage. 

what we do, with it be insecurities, stress, or other,,, can trigger emotinal release.  my prevoius field was in mental health, so i and certified in theraputic crisis interventiin.  i woukd let the client talk though it, just listen and use theraputic touch if agreed on, and approprite.  staying calm, focused, and sincere is all one can do.  more then not, the situtatiin passes.

myself, with reiki, have had very emotional responce.  it happens... carthartic moment...


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