Having your own spa business and a part time job in the field at the same time...dilemma?

Hey everybody, so this post is mainly for feedback for purposes. I'm having a little bit of a dilemma, and I would love to hear what other etsy's or business owners who have gone through this, or are going through this have to say...

As I've posted before, I am starting my own small spa business doing treatments on my own..I plan to gain more clientele and just really get this going so I can eventually make this business huge and own my own full upscale day spa, yes I'm a little girl with big dreams and determined to make them happen....however, as we all know making a business happen, and actually getting the income takes quite some time, I don't expect to start making the money as soon as I start having clients.

Now of course I have lots of other bills to pay too, I am 24 with my own apartment, car, food, phone, life etc etc....I definitely need a part time job again on the side right now. It's just time.
The thing is...I obviously want to find a job in my field, doesn't necessarily have to be a spa, but somewhere dealing with skincare or make up, whatever...but working at a spa for even more experience woulddd really be ideal, however.. at the same time I feel like I'd kind of being competing with myself? And I just wonder if I went for an interview at a spa, now that I have my own spa business, would they all not want to hear that I have my own spa business? Would that be a no-no? At the same time I don't want to be totally dishonest, what if they find out anyway? I obviously wouldn't go taking their clients back to my business, that's deff a no-no although it would be a little bit hard not to tell the clients I have my own thing, I just know that's a line I shouldn't cross, at least until I leave eventually, and THEY choose to come to me..but how would the spa owners know and believe that....I know my true intentions, but how could they know...

Same question even if I apply at a place like Saks Fifth Avenue, or Sephora, somewhere that doesn't offer facials but does skincare..where do I draw the line in the interviews when it comes to speaking about having a business? I'd figure in a setting like this, it would be a good thing for them to hear, but maybe not..

I had an interview at a spa over a year ago, when I was still in school, it was for a receptionist job with the possibility of eventually moving up and doing treatments once I finish school, I mentioned starting my own business eventually, and I knew after I said that, before they could even respond, it maybe wasn't a good idea. And sure enough, they didn't like hearing that, they said they don't like hiring people who have or are starting their own business because then I wouldnt be bringing any clientele in, That I'd want to bring people I know/clientele to me instead, when I should be referring everyone I know to them....do all spa owners think like that? I mean it does make sense but at the same time, I've heard of plenty of etsy's with spa businesses that work at another spa part time too, and it works just fine for both the etsy with their own spa business and the spa they work at...so I'm wondering what did they do that I should be doing when it comes to actually getting a part time job elsewhere in the field again...I might just be over thinking this all, however I feel like its an important topic that's not often discussed..

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No, I am referring to the principles at work.  There is no point wasting your life arguing over the little things

your analogy is completely off base

If the discussion were about one specific spa, that would = one specific product line.

Furthermore, you could speak to what you specifically did not like about the performance of that line -- the moisturizer was too heavy, the cleanser smelled medicinal, the peel was too harsh -- not condemn it based on no first hand experience or knowledge.

Those are all sound comments based on your first-hand experience with the products.  Other people, who may have used the line, could say they like the weight of the mositurizer, smell of the cleanser and efficacy of the peel.  And they would be equally correct in their assessment.

"Spas that keep running ads" = "high turnover" = "bad management" is not a comment about one specific spa.  It, and the post, is about a trend about employers in general, not based on any facts or first-hand experience with a specific employer. And I find the premise on which the trend is based to be off-base and very anti-employer

Okay first of all, I don't understand half off what you just said, what you're even trying to get at with my "analogy that's completely off base". Second of all, this conversation isn't based off any real first hand experiences? What are you talking about? This conversation was completely based off first hand experiences, I gave you a long in depth example back there, and I believe someone else based their statements off of one too. "There's no time in wasting your life arguing over the small things" - that is correct, that is why I am actually done with this conversation because no matter what anyone says, you know everything, and I just see this conversation going in circles now, nothing irrelevant, or informative, just picking at the small stuff and then completely contradicting what you say. I apologize that you had to take this topic so personal. Just to remind you, this is a site for sharing experiences and giving feedback and advice, not arguing. Relax. Lol. And rejuvinate! Have a good holiday.
What I think is funny about this argument is how both sides have valid points and points of view but are failing to see that each others both correct.

Relax& Rejuvenate is the minority here and it's important we don't discount what she has to say. I think her point of view is extremely valuable here as she is one of a small few who actually has an ownership perspective while most of us are technicians. I do think there is an unsympathetic attitude towards business owners that if left unchecked can become downright hostile. I've worked in three spas and no matter how good or how well run a place is, there are always a minority few who talk a lot of smack and get a lot of anti-business drama going. I don't think you can escape that because everyone has varying degrees of entitlement and there are a good many who are never satisfied in work or in life.

That being said, looking at the whole sum if businesses out there, there are very few actually well-run spas that can offer a good living, stability, and consistency. So it IS very easy to find a crappy place to work. I've interviewed and looked at many employment opportunities and I find narcissistic, power-drunk, unprofessional employers everywhere. Very few started at the bottom and worked their way up the hard way to build their business. So it really goes both ways. In the end, there are a select few businesses that stand out above the rest and they can't employ everyone. So it's really not surprising to see discontent with the quality of work available out there in this field. It's easy for me to make the same generalizations based on y own experiences. It doesn't mean they're wrong and it doesn't mean I can't spot a well run business. The first two experiences I had were traumatizing and they're the reason why I went looking for a more professional business and practically harassed them for four months till they gave in and hired me. It's been 4 1/2 years now and neither of us are unhappy with that move.

So the point I'm making is that you're both actually right, just both staunchly and emotionally defending your sides when it would be more simple to just acknowledge that both of your experiences are correct.
You must not have read the whole entire conversation then. It actually started out as me just giving her an example of a "employer - employee disconnect" based off my personal experiences, where I actually took the time to completely open up about these experiences, until I got attacked in return.

The funny thing is, I never even really disagreed with her on the topic of the conversation. I disagreed with the way she responded.

Yes, many employees are responsible for the disconnect, they don't hold up to their end of the bargain, and then try to flip it on the employer, I think majority of us are aware of that already. But on the flip side, there are many employers who are responsible for a huge disconnect as well, that was the original feedback given to me, to watch out for it...and that's all I, as well as others, tried explaining in this post. I tried explaining the disconnect does happen, not just on one side, but both, here's a few examples...And she could have continued to disagree with that, that's fine, but to get defensive, start picking at things, and pointing fingers, saying we are "negative and judgemental" and well they must not have taught me very well in school, lol, and my friend is stupid etc etc, and then to completely condricit what she just accused me of, that's something else. It's just completely un-called for and unnecessary. And THAT is when I devalue what someone else has to say, when I see them devalue mine and others. And that is why I called her out and said that there is no need to continue this conversation based on where its going, because I'm really not here to argue. So she is no way a minority.

On another note, I appreciate all the neutral feedback that I did get, thank you.
I actually did read the whole thing. And I've deliberately ignored much of the hypersensitivity going on here because it's the reason you've started arguing over the semantics of your conversation instead of acknowledging the legitimately true points each has made. And she is a minority because she has fewer business owners here who know and understand her side of things and who can commiserate with her.
And, actually, she has not attacked you. She's just very blunt. There's nothing wrong with that and she has made some very good points that while they "counter" the decisions you made, they were simply pointing out where you could have protected yourself in the previous situations you were in. There was a point where you misunderstood the point she made about the negative judgements (ie "greedy" versus "stupid"). She is not contradicting herself.

There, I've said it. I understood her last post. I suggest you reread it. I'm amazed she hasn't just given up yet.
That is your OPINION. Now YOU are getting very defensive. Once, again I'm here for feedback and shares on *esthetics*. This is getting way out of hand now, I called someone out for coming at both me, and another person in a way that they shouldn't have, and for making a conversation about a legit topic, into a ground for accusations and finger pointing, and this isn't the first time I have seen this from the same person, but since it was directed towards me this time, I have every right too call her out, and I don't need anyone else's opinion on that. No one attacked you. And wait, whose the minority now? This argument is getting ridiculous, it's an ASCP website, seriously. I'm not going to keep dragging this on, not sure why you felt the need to keep dragging this on either, you have a lot of great on-topic things to share, but now you're getting to the unnecessary level that relax & rejuvinate is by prolonging an argument you said shouldn't be happening, by adding to the defense of other people based off opinion, and it's too bad you don't see that. I am going to completely walk away from this conversation now... have a happy new year.

If anyone has any feedback based on the actual topic and discussion I started, please feel free to share.
I "feel" the need to point out that not everyone thinks she's attacking you which you are continually posting long, agitated posts about. A few people have confirmed that they agree with you, which you didn't tell THEM they were "prolonging the argument" and just posting their "opinion". I'm simply standing up for what I believe to be true. That's not easy for anyone facing majority disagreement. I'm gathering she feels the same way standing up for employers who she doesn't feel have a voice here and trying to put a different perspective out to open peoples minds a little. Even if it's not the popular opinion.

Being that I disagree with the consensus here that she's harmed you in some way, I didn't expect to make any friends or gain sympathy from you or anyone else. But I will still say what I feel is true and I don't care about repercussions or "silencing" from anyone because that's simply not how things work in this world.

One thing you've said is true...you HAVE spent a lot of time "calling her out" which you seem to take some pride in. I actually define that as attacking someone. Maybe you need to rethink your premise.
I didn't ask for anyone's opinion or feedback on the way I call someone out, but thanks.. You think differently than me, you disagree, whatever great that's cool. But there's no need to keep stretching this out way past the point of unnecessary. I'm not even reading that whole thing, this is ASCP, not Facebook, this is where we share and post about skincare and the spa world, and that is just the point I've been trying to make the whole time, and so with that being said, if you want to argue about things like this, please take it somewhere else.
That's a shame, I read all of your posts. Here's how you end a conversation which you could have done soooo easily two pages ago.

I respect your opinion, I disagree with it but nonetheless I'm glad you've shared it with me. I'll give it all the consideration it deserves. Have a nice day! :)

actually, I read it as attacking also.  But, I found relax and rejuvenate was attacking me as well, which was why I shut the heck up. I get tired of it as she has done so with ME on several other posts. To the point of being highly snarky.  

(that is how one ends a conversation)

I know you felt that way. I'm aware that I'm not in the majority of feeling here, that has never stopped me from speaking my truth.


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