Hi everyone,

I really need your honest opinion/advice with a situation I am having. More than a moth ago I had a first time client, who requested a facial with extractions. She really didn't have many, I in fact recomended we did more of an anti-aging facial, but she insisted on extractions. I did the few blackheads she had, and after the facial I gave her the mirror, so she can see her skin. Of course, it was a little pink. But she looked very happy. When she checked out, she told front desk that her face was burning. So, not more than 5 minutes after her facial, I called her and I said that if she has a burning sensation she should come back, or just wash her face with a cold water. She told me, I would be fine, is really not bad. Two days later she sent an email explaining how I ruined her skin, and she didn't even go on her date because of it, etc etc. I told her to come by so I can see what she was talking about. Thus, 4 days after the facial she comes back.

What really looked strange to me, is that she had this line of pimple looking like things, that were obviously scratched and were in healing process. I have never seen lined up pimples in my 13 years of practice. I told her that it did not look like random extractions that any esthetician would do, especially me. That I don't believe this is from the facial, but I offered a calming one, which she took. I month later, she emails again saying she needs help because her face is now in scars because of the facial.

I have done...I don't know, probably 10000 acne facials or more. I have never ever seen anything like this pattern of hyperpigmentation, or pimples or anything. Not to mention, it is really the first client I am having an issue with. I will really appreciate if you take a look at the picture and tell me honestly what you think. Have you had anything like that happening to you, have you seen anything like it, what did you do, or just generally what do you think.

Thanks a lothsmith.png

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