Hi ladies, I just bought a HF machine (hand held). Would any of you be willing to give me a small break down of what my acne facial protocol would like. I am not sure where to incorporate it. Also, do you charge more for the treatment with HF? If so, how much?

Thank you!!

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No they didn't teach you incorrectly at school.   There are different ways of achieving different results when using HF.  In Europe they do this great facial (i think it is called a Cathioderme) facial (bad memory, sorry) and they use a mask type serum, apply the gauze over the mask and use the HF mushroom probe.  This produced wonderful results and wish i could find somewhere here that could treat me to that wonderful facial.    I also once did an experiment on my teenage son who burnt both of his shoulders at the beach.   Every day for 4 days i applied my HF unit to ONE shoulder 'without' gauze.  After 4 days the shoulder that we treated with HF was not red, did not peel and showed no signs of sunburn.     The other shoulder was peeling and still redish.   I know, i know...he should have had his SPF...but he's a teen what can I say!  lol


So, there is no wrong way per se...just some are more effective.  If i had used gauze on the shoulder we were working on, it might have taken 2 days to clear up as opposed to 4.  Hope that makes sense.  x

So it is healing too? For a sun burn, wow had no idea!

That's how I use it, I put on moist gauze over breakouts that I applied Benzoyl Peroxide to, then run the HF over the gauze for a few minutes to induce oxygen into the lesion to kill the bacteria and clear the breakouts.  

Is this gauze anything special or can you buy it at drug store? Also is it dry or wet gauze? Do you know of a good tutorial online for this?

Buy it from the pharmacy.   use it dry.

Here you go girls...i think (hope) this will help you out!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xilXrGo2lfk  It is a great tutorial on HF and she uses the gauze and explains why...

Leave it to Jane Wurwand!

That is the way that I was taught rather than "zapping" an area by lifting the glass wand...although I know some people love doing that.

Great video and thank you Claire!! 

Being so new to the field can be very overwhelming so I appreciate your help!! 

YES, thank you! Fabulous info!!

No problem...

I have a question on high frequency.  I watched the video before that is listed on this threat and she states that if it glows orange, it is NOT germicidal at all.  The electrodes I purchased recently are kind of orange with a little violet but I confirmed by email the electrodes were argon.  I just worry I am not using the correct one, since I use this mostly for after extractions.  Thoughts?

The glass electrodes are filled with a gas, either Argon which (produces a violet / blue ray) or Neon which (produces an orange / red ray).

The Difference Between Argon (violet-blue) and Neon (orange-red) Gas:

  • Argon – used on Acne-type lesions
  • Neon – used on general Oily-type skins or to create warmth in localized area for improved product penetration.
  • Acne-type lesions using an argon gas electrode for a “sparking” treatment.
  • Oily skins with overall congestion using a neon gas electrode for drying and germicidal effects.

Hope this helps you Cristi...  Your's is probably mainly Neon but with a small amount of Argon in it (purple light)...Don't worry about it too much.  If it has some purple it should still be beneficial for extractions...


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