What is everyone's ideal number of facials to do per week?  Right now I'm only working part time and trying to get to 7-10 per week.  I would think for full time, I would want to get to 15-20 per week.  Is that a realistic goal?  Too high?  Too low?  I really want to make a push to get into skin care full time this year, and want to set some goals to help get there. 


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Also, What do you find are you best days & evenings?  I find for me, Sundays are usually better than Saturdays, people are so busy on Saturdays.  Fridays are good as well.  Thanks everyone. 

This will totally depend on your situation, the type of business, and what else you have going on.

15-20 as a target is certainly realistic if you work full time in esthetics.

My book is open 24 hours per week, and the rest of the work week I spend managing the spa and working on other business projects.  At my current volume, I consider 12-15 facials (plus some waxing, lash tints, and other types of sessions) to be a great week.  I block myself 90 minutes for most of my facials, although I am also including 30-45 minute sessions (lunchtime peels, microderm, biweekly acne visits) among "facials."  Anything where I am working on the skin.  So you can see that if you made a full 40 hours per week available for services, it would be totally doable.  The question is more of how to generate that business level.

Like you, I started with part time (had to keep my other job), and then phased into full time.  Then once I had a bigger space, employees, more responsibilities, and more side business projects, I started to whittle back down to being a part time esthetician.

If you treat your clients like gold and make sure they have wonderful experiences and results with you, you'll be able to fill whatever times you open up :)


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