we need good tips and ideas...

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Stay connected to the school you graduated from.  Attend alumni meetings to keep your network going. 

Stay connected via social media (like this forum).


Sign up with www.careerbuilder.com, www.monster.com, and visit www.indeed.com on a regular basis.


Take the first full-time position you can, hopefully in your field of choice - i.e. department store cosmetic counters, beauty supply stores, makeup counters, doctors' offices, hospitals.  Whatever it takes to stay employed until the job you want is found.


If you want to be independent, be serious about it.  Start your research, determine your line of choice, get your insurance.  Prepare a resume with references and personally deliver them to area spas.  You just never know who may have a spare room available.


Offer to provide appearance counseling to local charities.  It gets your name out there!


No matter what people tell you, the bad economy *does* have an impact on the mentality of business owners and if they want/can hire anyone.  I think the best option for an esthetician right out of school is to go to work for the local department stores.......and getting affiliated with a major cosmetic company.  So what if it isn't pro brand........it's a job, and gives you the skills you need to communicate and be better at sales.


Practice, practice, practice..........get a massage table, a wax pot, and a few supplies and offer to do facials on friends and family for birthdays and holidays.


I've been an esthetician for 7 years and can say that the #1 thing that built my business was word of mouth.  The thousands I spent in advertising and a beautifuly decorated skin care center meant nothing, without clients.  Your home practice can keep your hands going in the right direction.










Hello Jennifer,

Congratulations on your recent graduation! You're going to love this profession!

Are you a member of Association Skin Care Professionals? There are numerous ways that ASCP can help you prepare for landing a great position.

1) Same resumes are posted- gives you a good idea of a professional resume for someone in our industry.

2) Free website- this is an ideal way to create your own bio/resume which will look amazing, you'll be head an shoulders above the typical photo-copied resume that your competition may be turning in to potential employers. Instead of creating a website for a business, use the site to insert your professional head shot, bio, training and education. Create a free business card to pass out with this URL, and presto- instant impression!

I have a lot of other ideas for you but boarding a plane right now, so feel free to send me an email!



It looks like you're getting lots of good advice so far! 

As Kirsten said, if you're an ASCP member, there are many tools and resources we provide to help you stand out from others who may be applying for the same position. One thing I would suggest is to to show up in person at the places you would like to work, looking your absolute professional best! Even if they aren't hiring, leave your card (as Kirsten said, this can have your website URL which will give contain your resume, photo, training information, etc.) Even if they don't have an opening, they might be so impressed they will hire you anyway!

And, don't be shy about telling EVERYONE you meet what you do. You never know what contacts that person might have or who they might know. So, keep those business cards handy to give out wherever you are!


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